Chapter 6:Our Hero, Our Hero

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The four had arrived back to Mondstadt, acquiring the Holy Lyre der Himmel, the treasured relic found inside one of the Fatui's cave.

Crossing the entrance bridge, the two guards saluted at Diluc and the four.

"Welcome, Diluc, and the Honorary Knights of Favonius. It's a pleasure to see you come back in one piece,"

Erlund raised his eyebrows, wondering how these guards do not seem to have the slightest bit of suspicion towards him after a few days of him going missing.

Guards in every Hold back in Skyrim are known for identifying well-known bandits. Even the Dragonborn stole a few potions from a store before he left Falkreath.

Entering the tavern called Angel's Share, the young bard welcomed the four with wide eyes and open arms.

"Great! You guys are finally back! Ermm... You too... Erlund,"

The Dragonborn looked at him with disappointment as he crossed his arms.

"I demand an explanation, young bard,"

"Erm... Well... Oh.. The Holy lyre der Himmel is back in one piece! My... The pattern of the flowing wind carved on the rosewood... and-"

"Do not change the topic, young bard. You left me outside while the guards scatter around the temple like rats,"

"Hey! At least we got the lyre, no need to go a bit too crazy,"

"Oh, please. This boy surely had the nerve to say things like this when I have to stay away from this city for three days,"

"I don't mind about that, because I know you'll be coming back in one piece,"

"One piece? I have to survive in the wilderness again while interrogating those gods-damned Fatui,"

"That's enough now, Erlund. The important part is you're back alive and the lyre as well. Now, Venti, can you summon Dvalin with that lyre?" Jean intervened.

"Well, umm.. It's the real thing, I doubt that this thing will work,"

"Oh for gods'-"

"Wait, I'm not done yet. For years, this lyre has been through that its Anemo power has been run dry. With this condition, I don't think that music played through this can fit Diluc's tavern,"

"Bards fight to get on the stage of my tavern. Don't make assumptions!" Diluc interrupted.

"Is that really important right now, Mister Diluc?" Paimon asked.

"And you, Venti. Did you just borrow the lyre just for drunkards to listen to your music?"

Venti looked at Paimon with his eyes widened and giggled.


"What do you mean? Hehe" Paimon angrily shouts as she stretches her arms and legs leans her head forward to Venti.

Erlund placed his hand on his forehead and looked down with a sigh of disappointment.

Dear gods, I never thought that I have to go through a cave and infiltrate their hideout just for some boy or maybe... a girl with questionable motives to play an ancient lute in a local tavern.

"Anyway, we won't be able to call Dvalin with this. The lyre itself is fine, but the strings..." Venti holds the lyre and slightly plucked the strings with it as if checking how much the string probably rusted over the years.

He looked at Aether with glows in his eyes.

"You're up, outlander!"

"Umm... I don't fix instruments,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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