I got a dream again

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Hey! Ah! So I had dream, at first I was just hanging out with one of my friends, then it time skipped to me in my living room, just sitting in the dark. I started to hear foot steps and stuff being moved around, so I closed my eyes, so I cloud try and wake up. But the footsteps, got closer then they stopped. Then a voice spoke saying "aye there's no fucking food in the kitchen" at that point I half opened my eyes and got up, I walked over abit annoyed, knowing it was Jeff that was there. So I grabbed his wrist and walked to the kitchen, with him yelling " well I'm just gonna hang out with my girlfriend then" (Like the fuck he has never called me that before but ok) once in the kitchen, Jeff then pulled me so I had my back to his chest, he then crouched down to rest his head on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek, which caused him to look away, I then woke up before I could look at Jeff directly.

So that was cute as fuck. Also Jeff didn't have a deep raspy voice in the dream, which is weird

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