Episode 5: The Savior, The Devil & The Killer

Start from the beginning

Plo Koon: What about Revan and Bastila?

Yoda: Dark side they both went? Did they not?

Shaak Ti: But love freed them from it.

Yoda: Brought them to the dark side in the first place love did.

Fisto: Master Yoda, can you atleast think about this? Why can we help the slave masters but we cannot help the slaves themselves?

Yoda sat and pondered.

Yoda: Intended it that way the force has. Good is it? No. Want to help? I do. Bring more pain upon that person the force might If I free them. A risk not worth taking.

Fisto: What if we are just misunderstanding the force?

Yoda: Our connection been cut off it has, but understanding we do have. Experience we have. Smarts we have. Force runs through all of us, guides us it does. Listen you must.

Windu: I'm hearing a report that Grievous might be headed towards Wootis. A place where the species Kretlian stay.

Kenobi: I'll go, see if I can finally finish the job.

Yoda: May the force be with you all.

The camera cuts to Grievous and Dooku, as it looks like Grievous is about to take off to Wootis.

Dooku: Remember, the Kretlian can be deadly in numbers. They are 4 legged creatures but stand on 2. They are a light purple and usually very tall and skinny. Their eye colors are a solid yellow, with their noses being similar to mine. They have automated voices in replace of their mouths. So you'll see a metal bar on where their mouth is supposed to be. They normally wear robes. Try not bothering them unless if you have too.

Grievous: Understood my lord.

Dooku: I want Maul dead, do you understand me?

Grievous: Yes my lord.

Grievous went off into his ship and took off, as he's on his ship you can see the gonk droid still piloting.

Grievous: Gonker! I need you to go to Wootis. Tell me everything about it, use the translator droid. About the only 2 useful droids on this ship...

The Gonk droid gonks.

Translator Droid: It's a rainy planet, it's a grassy land with a beautiful terrain.

Grievous: Anyway to avoid the Kretlians?

The Gonk droid gonks.

Translator Droid: There is, land in an open field. Wait for Maul to come to you.

Grievous: Alright, good work Gonker and TD. Land in that open field.

The camera cuts to Maul sitting on his throne with Bane and Vex leaning onto the throne on each side.

Maul: Are we done?

A droid beeps and runs off.

Maul: I hate picture day.

Vex: How else are we supposed to keep the rooms updated?

Maul: Nevermind that, I'm getting ready to leave. That metal piece of trash better be ready.

Vex: I'm telling you, you should let one of us go with you.

Maul: Are you saying I need help?

Vex: I'm saying you should help your chances, not that you need help.

Bane: Alright you two cut it out. If he wants to go by himself then let him. It's his choice not ours. You gave him advice and he ignored it, once again that is his choice.

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