Chapter 7

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Marty woke up and got dressed and woke up Patrick and Cheyenne to get them ready for daycare while she was at Forrester.  When she got to the daycare, she saw that it was closed.  

"Oh, no!" Marty said, under her breath so the twins wouldn't hear.  "Now what am I going to do?  I'm already late for work!"

Marty did the next best thing.  She drove straight to Forrester hoping the twins could spend the day in her office.  They were good kids.  What could be the problem?

When Marty drove away, Brooke came out from behind the bushes and took away the "closed" sign from off the front door of Marty's daycare, smiling a sly smile.

"That will serve you right, Marty, for going after Ridge." Brooke said to herself.

Marty showed up at Forrester and went straight to her office.

"Now, Patrick and Cheyenne, mommy wants you two to color in your coloring books so mommy can work." Marty says to them as she hands them some coloring books.

"Mommy, can I have some blank paper instead?" Cheyenne asks, innocently.

"Sure, honey." Marty says, handing Cheyenne some blank drawing paper.

Marty went to work on her designs so she could deliver them to Ridge happy that her twins were being good little children.

Meanwhile, Brooke arrived at Ridge's office to inform him of Marty's dilemma.

"Ridge, do you know that Marty brought her children to work with her this morning?" Brooke gleefully told him.

"No I didn't." Ridge said.  "But she must have had a good reason for doing so."

"I know Ridge, but isn't it company policy to keep children out of Forrester?" Brooke reminded him.

"Well, obviously, it's a policy that Forrester should change." Ridge said.  "Or at least have a daycare for Forrester employees."

"You approve of Marty bringing her children to work?"

"I will certainly get to the bottom of it, Brooke."

Ridge left Brooke alone in his office as he went to talk with Marty.

"Marty, I see you had a little problem with your daycare." Ridge said, noticing how well-behaved Patrick and Cheyenne were.

"I'm sorry, Ridge if it's a problem." Marty apologized.  "But when I saw that my daycare was closed, I saw no other option."

"Don't worry about it." Ridge assured her.  "In fact, I think it's about time Forrester started a daycare for its employees."

"Look what I drew, Mommy!" 3-year-old Cheyenne showed Marty her version of the dress Marty was designing.

"That's lovely, dear." Marty told Cheyenne.

"I think you have a fashion genius!" Ridge said.  "That is really good for a three-year-old!"

"Speaking of designs, I have mine finished." Marty told Ridge.

"These are great!" Ridge tells Marty.  "I will get them to the seamstress to get them made for our models to try on."

"I'm glad you like them." Marty said.

"Well, why do you and the twins join me for lunch to celebrate your first designs with Forrester and Cheyenne's creativity." Ridge said.

As Ridge escorted Marty and her twins to his favorite eatery, Brooke was livid that her plan to ruin Marty's first day made Marty look so good in Ridge's eyes.  Marty was going to pay for making her look like a fool!  

Betrayed:  A Marty Saybrooke StoryWhere stories live. Discover now