Chapter 4

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It didn't surprise Marty in the slightest when she walked into her design studio at Forrester that Ridge had designed especially for her, to find Brooke sitting at her desk.  In fact, she half expected her to be waiting.

“Why good morning, Brooke.” Marty said, cheerfully, not letting Brooke dampen her spirits.

“Well, you certainly sound chipper this morning.” Brooke said, jealously.  “But I bet I can wipe that smile off your face.”

“Go ahead, Brooke.” Marty dared her.  “Nothing can ruin my first day at Forrester.”

“Well, how about you stay away from Ridge or I'll spill your secret past as a rape victim.” Brooke warned.

“Go ahead, Brooke!” Marty said, as she whipped out a clipped article from Brooke's past.

“What is that?” Brooke asked in disbelief.

“I knew you would be a thorn in my side, so I did my own Internet search on you.” Marty said.  “Somehow, I don't think any of the Forrester's know about this tidbit of news on you, do they Brooke?”

“You wouldn't!”

“Just a little leverage to make you keep your mouth shut!” 

Brooke was stunned.  She had Marty Saybrooke pegged all wrong.  She wasn't like all the other women in Ridge's life.  Clearly, Brooke was going to have a challenge keeping Marty out of Ridge's life.

As if finding Brooke in her office wasn't enough, Pam called her from outside her office to inform Marty that she had some visitors.  Before Pam could tell Marty who they were, she told Pam to let them in.  

“Well, hello, Marty.” her ex, John said, as he walked into her office.

“John, how did you find me?” 

“That doesn't matter.” John said, angrily.  “Did you think you could skip town with my children without informing me?!”

“I was going to tell you.” Marty told him.  “I've just been busy getting the new home ready and starting my new job.”

“That's not the point.” John stated.  “You took Cheyenne and Patrick out of the state of Pennsylvania and Natalie and I are here to take them back.”

“Sorry, John, but I got permission from the court before I left.”

“I wasn't informed you were leaving.”

“Well, the judge said he sent out documents.”

“I don't know what to tell you, John.  I did everything by the book.”

“Well, I am taking the twins back to Llanview.”

“No your not.” Marty says, as she pulled a restraining order from her desk.

“What's this?” John asks.

“It's a restraining order forbidding you or Natalie from coming 100 feet within me or Cheyenne or Patrick.” 

“You can't do this to us!” Natalie spit at her.

“I can and I have.”

“This isn't over, Marty.” John warned as Ridge, who had just walked in on the end of the conversation, happily escorted an angry John and Natalie from Marty's office and Forrester.

Marty just smiled knowing that she was one-step ahead of John and Natalie.  The was going pretty smoothly.  She had Brooke Logan and John and Natalie right where she wanted them.

Betrayed:  A Marty Saybrooke StoryWhere stories live. Discover now