Episode 1: Return of a Monster

Start from the beginning

Grievous: Good. We're we detected?

Battle Droid 6: We are good to go!

The ship landed on Coruscant and was near the Jedi Temple and Grievous walked towards it by himself with no other battle droids or anything else. It was just him with multiple lightsabers as the POV changed to the Jedi in the council chambers, Yoda sat with Mace Windu.

Yoda: Wrong something is...

Windu: I agree, lock everything down. Cad Bane may be here again.

Yoda: The bounty hunter it isn't, someone else. A robot he is.

Windu: Grievous. Alert the temple guards, I'll gather the council. I'll have Tera Sinube take the younglings.

Yoda: Send someone else with him we must...

Windu: Who?

Yoda: Master Yarael Poof we send. Alert him you shall, Alert the council there is no need, sense it already they should.

Windu: May the force be with you.

Windu ran off while Yoda walked to alert the temple guards, as the POV switched back onto Grievous.

Grievous with ease slaughtered the temple guards with limbs flying everywhere. He walked into the Jedi temple, people were running everywhere with Grievous simply making his way to the council chambers before seeing Yarael Poof and Tera Sinube.

Grievous: A council member along with a former one. Perfect.

Grievous approached them as the two stood in a defense stance.

Yarael Poof: I'll hold him off, you take the kids.

Tera Sinube: I cannot leave you here. If I'm dying I'm not going to die rotting in a library.

Yarael picked up one of the kids and held a Kaleesh kid in his hands.

Yarael: Lead the kids to the council room. Go find Grandmaster Yoda or Master Windu. Okay Qymaen?

The kid nodded and started leading the kids to the council room.

Tera Sinube: Follow Qymaen everyone!

The kids started following Qymaen as the two stood in front of Grievous.

Yarael: You don't have to do this Grievous. You're not a monster. You're a victim of an unfortunate outcome. Theres always room for change.

Grievous didn't say a word and instead started swinging, he sliced off Tera's head in one slice. Leaving Poof to defend for himself, he blocked a few of his hits.

Yarael: It is never too late.

Yarael said calmly, as the two heads got closer and closer.

Grievous: It's been too late the moment my people died at the Jedi's hands.

Grievous jumped up and jumped down on Yarael's head crushing his skull as he sliced his head off for good measure. He slowly started making his way to the Jedi temple cutting off padawan's to masters heads on the way there. Eventually he caught up to the younglings.

Grievous: Move. I didn't come for you.

Everyone moved apart from one kid, the Kaleesh kid, the kid looked up at Grievous.

Qymaen: I was told I was named after Qymaen jai Sheelal. He went missing one day after the infamous plane crash caused by The Separatists. Do you know where he went? I heard about—

Grievous looked down at the kid and started to choke him, lifting him up and slamming him against a wall.

Grievous: The separatists didn't cause that crash! That was the Jedi!

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