𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟕

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Alastor's POV

I teleported up to Angel's room and burst in without knocking. "Angel" He was sitting on the bed painting his long nails. 

"HOLY SHI--" He fell off the bed and hit the ground with a thud. "WHY DON'T YOU EVER FUCKIN' KNOCK?"

I ignored his yeling, "I need your help." 

He raised his eyebrow, "I ain't gonna 'help' you with anythin'. Y/n and you are a thing now, right? I'm not gonna be the side chick."

I dragged a hand down my face, "No. That's disgusting and not at all what I'm here for. I need your help in stopping y/n." 

"Why would I do that? She's finally coming out of her shell! She's a totally hottie and badass! Why would you want to do that?! I thought you wanted her to--" 

"She's been corrupted now! She never died before she came to Hell, and her soul is being slowly taken over." 

My mind flashed back to the first night, where I had seen her powers. The black vines had crept up the purple hue, almost suffocating it. I realized that it had been a vision to the future. 

"This is all my fault, and she is now too powerful for me to stop her on her own. I need your help, and that other girl she hung out with. I already have Vaggie and Charlie going with me to Earth." 

Angel propped himself up from where he had fallen. His eyes scanned my face while his second pair of arms tapped against his lip, looking deep in thought. "Usually, I can tell when you're lyin', and you're not lyin'. But why do you want to stop her? Didn't you want to rule Hell with her?"

I shook my head, "I care for her, deeper than I have for anyone. I want to save her from herself."

His eyes flashed with worry. He hopped up from the ground and walked over to me. "Alright, I'll call Cherri. What's the plan?" 

I walked out of the hotel room and stalked down the hall, with Angel trailing close behind. "I've been looking through my spells books after I sensed the darkness in her mind. Her shadow, Ena, has been supporting her growing in power. I can hear her talking to y/n when I focus on y/n's mind."

"Wait. You can hear y/n's thoughts?"

"Yes, but that is not the subject now. I remember one to separate your shadow being from yourself. I had looked at in the past because my shadow is sometimes incredibly frustrating." I heard a low growl from the back of my mind but ignored it. 

"If we can subdue y/n for just enough time, I can separate them, destroying Ena's influence on her mind." Angel dust nodded and dialed a number on his device.


I shifted to the front of Stolas' palace and barged in, ignoring the guards and only having to raise a hand to silence them. I walked straight up to Stolas' office and opened the door to a surprised owl. 

"What are you doing here Alastor? Do you need more help?" His posh British accent irked me. 

"I need your assistance. I need to stop y/n from destroying herself." 

"Why would I do that? She's is winning all of her battles right now. She can even heal herself!"
I rolled my eyes at the recurring argument that I had been hearing. 

"Do you want to die, lose your family, and your territory?"

"Y/n wouldn't do that. We've already created a close partnershi--"

"Oh, but it will turn against you quite soon. Her mind is being corrupted by her shadow, and shifting the goals she first created." He stayed quiet, so I continued, "I can separate her from her shadow, I just need people to subdue her, and I need a lot of people." 

He nodded. "I will get the imps on this, just keep me updated."

"We are heading to Earth soon. And if she gets hurt by your imps again, I won't stop myself." 

I left before I could hear his response. I just needed to recruit one more person. 


The bright sunlight of Earth hurt my eyes. It always took some time to adjust to the different conditions of the Overworld. 

The silent shaking of leaves rang through my ears, the only sound around me as animals grew quiet with my presence. The area was extremely green, and trees rose up around me. 

Being in the Overworld again connected me to y/n. I could hear a small whisper in my mind. I listened in, and realized it was Ena's voice, nothing from y/n. It extremely worried me, as it showed that Ena was feeding off of y/n, getting stronger. 

I walked through the grass, still damp from the morning dew. It wet the hem of my pants. 

Walking up to a wooden porch, I shifted through the front door. 

"Hello Stella. It seems I have need of your assistance." 


It was strange, being alone and talking with your own shadow. I thought back to the first time it had happened, seeing Ena. Alastor's image popped up in my head, seeing him for the first time. 

"Do not let him distract us y/n. We have a plan to work on, so focus."

"Sorry Ena, I just slightly miss him."

"If he was here, he would just try to stop us. Do not be weak."

I nodded and continued to look at my plan on the grass. Ancient books were scattered around me, and my book was opened on my knee. My black wings were spread to their full length, basking in the sun. 

Ena and I had laid out a plan for overthrowing Lucifer. I needed to talk to multiple overlords, to try and get them to side with me. Then an idea struck me.

"What if we tried to get Lucifer on our side? All the other powerful overlords were scared of me, maybe he would be too."

"You think that he would just give up his throne? We are SO much more powerful than just weakly giving in. Lucifer would try to overthrow us in the end anyways." 

"Yeah, you may be right. He tends to do that." 

I examine the plan, sneaking into the palace with Angel Dust at my side. We would infiltrate through the sewer system and into the basement. Then I would give the imps the signal to blow through the ceiling since no one would be able to shift in until the shield around the outside of the palace was shattered. 

I nodded, happy with the plan we had come up with. I admired the work we had put into it. Then a voice whispered through my mind.

"Please, come back to me."  Alastor's voice rang out clearly. I didn't realize how much I had missed it. 

"Don't give into it y/n. You know what he is trying to do." 

"It doesn't sound like he's angry though." Ena tried to continue arguing with me, but a bush rustled a few feet away from me. 

I stood up from my plans, trying to get a better look at what was in the bush. 

Then sadness filled my heart. My friends were coming out of the woods. Angel dust, Charlie, Vaggie, Nifty, Husk, Cherri, even Stolas and his imps. And then there was Alastor. He stood at the front, leading them to me. 

"What are you all doing here? Alastor, what is this?" I had a faint smile on, but anguish tugged at my gut. 

Sorrow passed through Alastor's eyes, "Darling, I'm sorry, but this is for your own good."

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now