𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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I woke up to sunlight shining in my eyes. The first thing I thought of was my dream from last night. I laid there, trying to remember what it had been about. All I knew was that it had scared me. 

  My wings were spread out behind me. I sat up and stretched out my wings. They had been cramped from staying in the same position all night. I sat there in bed, seeing the shattered sunlight spread across my arms. I think my dream was about Jared. It slowly started to come back to me as my mind started to wake up.

It had been another dream about that night with Jared, but Alastor had tried to save me. He ran in between us and shoved him away, but Jared came at him with a gun. I don't remember what happened after that, the dream slowly had drifted away. I flopped back down in bed with my hand to my forehead, thinking about it gave me a headache. 

As I was getting out of bed I thought to myself, "The dream must've been a combination of everything that happened yesterday. Jared can't bother me anymore, he's gone...forever." I walked into the bathroom, my wings feeling sore from sleeping on them funny. I groaned inwardly, "seems like today is gonna be fun." I walked into my closet and surveyed my clothes. 

I pulled out some deep purple cargo pants and a black halter top. I had to have a shirt that allowed me to use my wings. I pulled on my black combat boots and decided to leave my white hair down. I surveyed my outfit in the mirror. The one thing I wasn't used to was this new hair. It was much different from my h/c hair. 

I walked into my room, ready to make the bed, but found Nifty standing by the bed with it completely down. I looked down at her small form. "You didn't have to do that Nifty! I could've done it." She smiled up at me.

"Don't worry about it! I like cleaning!" She twirled around the room, "But it seems that you like things clean too." 

I giggled as she bounced around, looking for a mess. She looked at me, "Oh, I forgot! Al told me to come to get you because he is out right now. Breakfast is ready!"

I smiled as she led me out of the room, but I was not ready to see Al again. This morning was going to be a little awkward. I'll just act as nothing happened. As she led me through the door, I made my wings disappear, they just got in the way of things. I don't know if Nifty was anything like Al, but her smile never disappeared either. 

"Hey Nifty, how did you and Al meet?"

"He found me on the side of the road. I had been hurt by some other demons because I was small. So, he destroyed them and helped me to feel better! Know I go with him when he needs help."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised that Al would do that. "I didn't peg Al to do something like that."

"He's got a soft side to him, but no one ever really sees it. I hadn't seen it in a while until I met you. I think he's got a soft spot for you because he acts differently around you than other people."

I was about to question why, but she led me into the dining room. Al was nowhere in sight, but I saw Angel devouring some french toast, and Husk across from him, looking very grumpy. I walked over to Angel and sat next to him, pouring a glass of orange juice from the middle of the table. "Hey Ang! How was work?"

He looked up at me and rolled his eyes, "Just like work is always." He paused and then changed the subject, looking to Nifty. "But I heard that there were a lot of noises coming from the ballroom yesterday." He lifted his eyebrows at me, while Nifty grinned up at me.  

"Oh, me and Al were just fighting yesterday. I was practicing the voice thing I told you about." I decided to leave the last little part out, he didn't need to know about that." Angel shrugged his shoulders but continued to have a suspicious look in his eye. I looked over at Husk across the table and then felt the ache in my wings. "Husk, how do you sleep with your wings? I don't really know how to sleep with them, and they got all cramped last night."

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα