Douglas has no wisdom and needs a smoothie

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Dougie got four wisdom teeth removed. His sister got hers removed on the same day too.

When Dougie became coherent enough to speak again in the recovery room, of course the first thing he wanted to do was to complain.

"My mouff feels fo djry!" he whined.

"Be quiet!" moaned his sister Char in a chair next to him.

"You!" Dougie retorted. He reached up and began to tug on his gauze.

"Don't do that!" Pamela laughed, reaching out for her son's arm to move it away from his mouth.

"I'm so hungry," Dougie cried. "And tired. I wanna schleep n' eat at the same time."

"Can we get McDonald's?" asked Char.

Pamela chuckled again. "No, you two need to go home and rest."

"Where's Freddie?" Dougie asked, lolling his head around in his seat.

"Is that your boyyyyfrieenndd?" Char sang.

"No!" Dougie cried. "Where is he, mam?"

"He's at his house, sweetie," Pamela replied, a bit confused.

Dougie let out a long moan. "I'm so hungry!"

Later, Pamela was driving home her kids, and Dougie began to whine again.

"Will Freddie be there when we get home?" Dougie sighed.

"I hope so!" Char giggled from the backseat. "He is sooooo hot!"

"Shut up!"

"Dougie, be nice," his mother scolded before asking him a question. "Why do you wanna see Freddie so badly?"

"He promised to make me a smoothie when I got back," he grumbled. "I really want one."

Pamela smiled, glancing over at her disgruntled son. "Why don't you give him a call?" she suggested.

"Mom!" Char cried in the back. "My face looks weird in my cameraaa!"

As Pamela attempted to calm her daughter, Dougie fumbled around on his phone until he managed to start a FaceTime call with Freddie. It took a few rings, but he did eventually answer the call... or so Dougie thought.

"Hey! You're not Freddie!"

"Uh," Ollie tried to hold in a laugh. "No, I'm not, unfortunately. You look great, dude."

"Thanks," Dougie said. "Gotta go." Before Ollie could reply he ended the call and tried to read his contact list a little harder.

"Did you just hang up on Ollie?" Pamela asked.

Dougie ignored her and began a new FaceTime call. The next person took longer to answer.

Payton looked like he was at work. "Doug, wh—"

Dougie hung up instantly, frustrated with himself. He went to his last resort and began to speak.

"Hey Siri!" he exclaimed, trying to be as articulate as he could. "Call Freddie."

His phone began sending out a call and this time it was answered almost right away.

"There you are!" greeted Freddie over the phone. "You look really cool, bud."

"I know," Dougie said. "I'm—"

"Heyyy, Freddie!" Char shouted, to which Pamela hushed her instantly.

Dougie yelled at his sister. "Shut up!" He looked at the camera where Freddie watched with a bemused smile. "I'm sooo freaking hungry. Are you gonna make me a smoothie?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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