Chapter 9

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The rest of the week went by pretty quiet.  Ashley and Corpse have been blowing up my phone.  I ignored most of the text messages.  I texted them enough to know I was okay.  My body was dragging as I walked around the airport.  I hadn't been sleeping because I didn't feel safe enough to sleep.  Plus there was no Corpse to be on the phone with me.  Though, I still made sure to remind him to take his meds.

I stood around slightly packed airport.  People were still not back to normal after the Covid pandemic.  I gripped my book bag that had all of my carry on items.  My phone started vibrating.  My heart pounding very hard and my hands were shaking as I grabbed my phone.  I didn't look to see who it was when I answered. "H-Hello?" I said shakily hoping that it wasn't Corpse on the other side.

"Good noon Kaylee!!!" Rae's energetic voice came through the phone.  I let out a shaky breath, happy that it wasn't Corpse.  "The boys have Corpse distracted so he won't even notice you aren't replying.  Emma, Poki, and I will be there to pick you up from the airport when you land girly!  Also you need to breath and relax.  You will be fine and you can sleep your ride away." Rae was now just running things down for me.  She was trying her best to calm me down before I got on the plane.

I was bouncing on the balls of my feet.  Normally I wasn't this nervous about flying.  I love flying.  It was something that oddly calmed me.  "Rae... I love you.  But I'm just nervous about meeting all of you... seeing Corpse.  I've literally been having to lie to the poor man since we made this plan.  What if he hates seeing me after this?  Like, what if ya'll don't want me around anymore?" I was starting relax and I ranted about what was making me nervous.

She chuckled softly, "You are good.  Kaylee, you are so sweet and quiet.  The shit you do for Corpse and he isn't even your boyfriend, yet." Rae had muttered the last part, but I started blushing because I did hear her.  Wondering what was going through my friends mind, I somehow managed to make it to my gate.

"Alright Rae.  I'll text you guys when I land. Ya'll are still coming to get me right?" I said softly into the phone.  The older girl hummed a small response that made me relax a bit.  This was going to be an okay trip.  Or at least I hope it would be.

A few minutes later, Rae had to hang up with me, because the boys needed more help keeping Corpse distracted.  It kind of hurt that he hadn't found the time to somehow sneak me a message or something.  Though that probably means the boys were actually doing a good job of distracting him.

A couple hours later and one boring flight to LA, I had my feet back on the ground.  I was bouncing on the balls of my feet again at the baggage claim.  The sleeves of my poor hoodie were getting completely destroyed from me messing with them.  They were frayed and little bits of string was hanging of the ends of them.

I felt arms go around me.  But they weren't much taller then I was.  "KAYLEE!" Rae screamed excitedly in my ear.  My face turned bright red.  I turned and hugged the taller girl.  This was nice. I actually calmed down and didn't feel so nervous at the moment.  I looked over Rae's shoulder and saw that she wasn't alone.  I kind of giggled when I saw the Poki and Sykkuno were there with her.

"My god you are so short..." Sykkuno chuckled softly as he came to hug me.  "I can't believe you actually came."  He messed with his hair nervously.  I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at how nervous he was.  I could only assume that he didn't like new people either.  Which was fine with me because I was the same exact way to be honest.  I still couldn't believe that I had actually gotten on the play to come here.

Poki was next and she hugged  me gently.  Which was different compared to the other two.  She smiled softly at me, "Didn't want to over stimulate you.  You kind of look like you are ready to run away and hide from everyone."  I nodded my head softly.  She wasn't wrong.  My eyes kept darting around the place trying to find a way to get out of this crowded situation that I was in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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