Chapter 6

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//There will be a lot of triggering situations in this chapter.  Its kinda just to build you/character just a little to understand why she is the way she is so far.... sorry?//

*Kaylee's POV*

I woke a couple hours later.  My room was pitch black.  The alarm clock on my desk showed that it was already eight pm.  I had about an hour and half before work.  My body felt sore from sleeping almost eight hours.  I don't think I have slept that wrong in forever.  My body obviously was thankful but didn't know how to react to the sleep.

I turned over and looked at my phone noticing that it had died while I was on the call with Corpse.  So I decided to plug it in before work, because I was going to need it to survive this shift I felt.  Stretching a little more, my stomach started growling at me.  I kind of chuckled at it and got up, deciding that it was time to go find some food.

Completely oblivious to the hell of world of the internet at the moment, I walked into the living room to see my mom on the couch.  I knew this probably wasn't going to be good.  I should have stayed in my room, but my angry stomach wouldn't allow it much longer.  Her dark eyes looked up at me.  That was all it took to know that she was already drunk.  I frowned and quickly made my way to the kitchen.

I began my search for something to eat trying to ignore the footsteps that were coming to the kitchen.  "What are you doing home?" my mothers voice slurred to me softly.  My entire body tensed up and it hurt because I had been so relaxed.  Her dark eyes glaring a hole into my back, "Don't you have to go to work and make money for this family?"

I took a deep breath and tried to relax but I could feel my hand starting to shake as I decided to warm up some left over soup from the other night.  I didn't have time to make dinner for her this evening.  I didn't expect to sleep as long as I did.  For some reason being on call with Corpse actually relaxed me enough.  "Yeah... I am gonna be leaving for work soon.  I just came home to take a nap."  I said softly.  The thoughts of Corpse oddly relaxing me enough.

My mom came up to me and shoved me against the fridge.  "No, you should have been at work now.  I need more money from you for rent.  I also need more booze.." she glared at me.  I whimpered softly.  I refused to look her in the eyes when she said that.  This is what I had to live with so long.  I couldn't leave here when she was like this no matter how much it hurt me.  Craaack.  Her hand met my cheek.  I hadn't notice her going to slap me.

I whimpered softly and pushed her away gently and frowned.  "Mom.. there is money on the table for you if you had really needed it.  I left it there this morning."  I said softly to her looking down at my feet.  This was the normal interaction for us.  Nobody knew what happened at home.  They always thought we were happy and close.

"Whatever.  My boyfriend is gonna be coming over soon.  Get your ass to fucking work and don't come back until late tomorrow." she went to the doorway of the kitchen.  "Not that you would know what a boyfriend is because you are too fat and ugly to understand."  My mother chuckled softly to herself as she said that.

I bit my lip gently and grabbed my food.  Quickly making my way back there, I locked the door behind me.  My phone was fully charged now and it was digging repeatedly and loudly.  All the notifications that I got while I was asleep.  I rolled my eyes at my phone.  I didn't have time to see all my friends fangirl over all the guys we watch.  I sighed softly.

I grabbed a black scrub top with my black hoodie that I normally wear under it.  I saw my Corpse Husband merch hoodie sitting on the back of my desk chair.  I usually didn't wear that to work, because I never take my hoodie off at night.  I was always so cold at work.  My black scrub pants that I wore to the hospital were on the floor so I put those on quickly.

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