Chapter 3

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Well, a month has gone by and there has been no word from Corpse after that day.  I guess I was kind of stupid for giving him my number.  Like he would have actually used it.  I should have known better.  Things have honestly gone back to normal like he had never showed up.  The only proof that I had that he was real, was the photo we took together on my phone.

The sleep deprived nights and days were starting to catch up to me.  I was on the way to the hospital to make up some hours for clinicals because I was starting to feel the need to take a break coming up.

White Tee started playing on my phone.  I knew it was Ashley from just the ringtone.  I sighed softly hoping that when I picked up the phone she wouldn't ask me about the man again and if he has texted me yet.  I think after a month it was logical reason to give up on him.  For some reason, she didn't want me to give up on him.  Which made me very uncomfortable to think about.

"Hey mama, what up girl?" I said softly picking up the phone as I was driving.  Turning down my spotify playlist, so she wouldn't hear that Corpse was playing on my radio.  Though it probably still could be heard on the phone.

I heard her giggle softly, "Gurl, you better hurry up and get your ass up to the hospital.  I just accepted a gift for you and it is at the nurses station.  Looks like you have a very... dark admirer."  I raised an eyebrow as she said that what the hell could she mean.  "Also, no I won't tell you what it is until you see it for yourself.  I don't wanna ruin it."

I groaned loudly, "Ashley, have I told you how much I hate you at the moment?  Why can't you just tell me who it is from?  Then maybe I will have some kind of idea what I'll be walking into."

"Kaylee... Let us just say, all the girls are kind of sitting here looking at it jealous.  Wishing our boyfriends would do this for us." she giggled again.  I really was confused right now.  I did not have a boyfriend.  Nor was I talking to any guys at the moment.  I think they probably sent whatever it was to the wrong place and the wrong Kaylee.

I used my one of my hands to rub my forehead to figure out what the hell was going.  "Ashley, you know as well as I do, that I do not have a boyfriend.  In fact if I did, you would have been the first to know..  So I don't know who the fuck sent that shit... but I'll be in a few moments.  I'm parking my car right now."  I said annoyed, turning my car off and stepping out.  Without thinking about it, I slammed my car door and stormed into the hospital.

Ashley was not lying.  There was a small black heart balloon.  There was a small box of chocolates.  The flowers were oddly black lilies and sweet peas.  I walked up to the counter of the nurses station.  Ashley nudged me in the side and pointed to the two cards that was with the things.  One was with the flowers.  I grabbed that one.with the flowers.

The first side said, 'Baby, I'm not the right one should wait on...." I rolled my eyes knowing now who had sent me all these things in front of me.  Still confused as to why he would go to this extent after not contacting me after a month.  I flipped the small card over to see if there was anything on the back of the card.  To my pleasant surprise there was, 'But, Baby Girl, I hope you did.'

My face turned bright red when I saw the back of the card.  I started chewing on my lip nervously.  Part of me knew that I was already gonna draw blood if I did that though.   Ashley looked at me confused and I handed the small card.  She raised an eyebrow, "Well does this help you figure out who sent you all this?"  I nodded softly feeling myself blush.  I turned on my phone screen and showed her the picture.  "Oh my god!  It was him?  He didn't forget you then did he?!" Ashley started jumping up and down really excited.

I started to tug on my hair nervously.  I grabbed the other card.  It was black with a small heart on it that was popped up, but the heart was also black.  I sighed softly.  This man was just really obsessed with black wasn't he?  It didn't bother me tho.  All the girls were still starring at me wondering who the hell had sent me this stuff.

His Personal Nurse /Corpse Husband x Reader/OC/Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα