Chapter 2

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A few hours went by, I continue to check on him every so often to make sure that he was okay.  I quietly went in there after the doctor told me to go ahead and give him the medication that he needed.  I grabbed all the pills that I needed.  My small fist met the door with three quick taps.  "Hi, Its Kaylee your nurse." I said softly looking at the ground.

I could feel eyes on me from the nurses station.  Which I already knew was Ashley because she was worrying about me.  Since I was acting weird from the moment I started taking care of the young man that was sitting on the bed in front of me.  "Hey..." he said softly.  I walked in and closed the door.

I went through the protocol for giving medications to a patient.  My hands were shaking as I handed him the medications and the water.  Quickly turning around before I could actually look at him, knowing that he was going to have to pull the mask down to take the medications.

I cleared my throat slightly as I was documenting on the computer what I needed to while I was still in the room with him.  "Umm.. My clinicals are almost over for the day.. The nurse that you will have that will be taking over for me is my friend Ashley..." My dark part of my hair falling in my eyes again.

I heard him finishing the water that I gave him to take his pills.  I turned around and saw that he had pulled his face mask back up.  Corpse was playing with his fingers nervously.  "Oh..." he said sounding a bit unsure.  His voice matched my feelings about leaving him in the care of someone else.  It wasn't that I was worried that Ashley wouldn't take care of him.  I just didn't want her finding out who he was.  She would fangirl so hard on him if she found out. 

I pulled my face mask off and smiled nervously at him.  "If you want, after I gather my stuff... I can come sit with you.. If it would make you feel more comfortable about it honestly.  That way... you won't have to worry about people figuring out who you actually are." I bite my bottom lip nervously.  He looked up at me and met my eyes.  Redness started coming to my cheeks.  I mentally wanted to strangle my self.

I started messing with my apple watch that was on my left wrist.  I was suddenly very aware of how run down I must look from working a full time job and going to school to become a nurse.  I was barely five foot even.  So I was also short on top of it.  He tilted his head slightly and smiled a little, "I mean... If you don't mind.  It would help a considerable amount."  He gripped one of his wrists with his hand.  "That is only if you don't have anything to do after this.  I don't want to be a burden and mess up things for you..."

I couldn't help but to smile softly at him.  He was being so considerate considering that I could make his life a living hell.  Though I didn't plan on doing that to him.  I nodded softly and pushed my hair out of my face.  "Give me a few minutes and I will be right back.  I'm just going to grab my stuff and give a report to my friend then."  I quickly walked out of the room and went to find Ashley.

Quickly giving her a run down on the only patient that I had at the time.  Which was the Corpse himself.  She nodded softly.  "Are you going to tell me why you were acting so oddly earlier about this man?  Or do I need to ask him for myself..." My eyes widened a little bit.  

I kicked the ground playing with my short hair nervously.  "Well.. Uhhh.. He's a friend of mine that I hadn't seen since I was younger.  When I lived out of state for a while with my mom and step dad."  I hope she couldn't tell that I was lying to her.  This was already killing me that I couldn't tell her about the very handsome man that I had been taking care of.

She nodded not completely believing me.  "Well... do you work your other job tonight or are you going to go home and get some sleep finally?"  I shook my head.  Really greatful that I didn't have to work at the nursing home tonight.  My hand was on the back of my neck and I rubbed it nervously.  The bags under my eyes only getting worst the longer that I stayed up.  "Kaylee... You are really gonna drive yourself to an early grave if you keep this up."  I rolled my eyes as I could hear her starting to go into her maternal mode.

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