Chapter Seven

Mulai dari awal

Four bags in each hand, I started towards home.


Thalia didn't show up at dinner on Wednesday, but I enjoyed the night with both Lahey men. As requested by Paul, we made s'mores and sat by the fire he built in their yard.

They lived at the edge of town, so we were a little far away from everyone else. I got to enjoy the forest area of Crystal Valley and the colder nights were almost freezing. It made me almost miss the heat that came with the days.

"Another one?" My friend asked.

"I'm good. I'm gonna kill myself burning all this off tomorrow." I groaned and rubbed my full tummy. "I can't believe she didn't come." I added after a minute of watching the young man burn his marshmallow.

"Thalia? Don't take it personally. Grandpa invited her at least a half a dozen times."

"Why did he though?" I asked curiously.

Paul shrugged and responded quietly. "He said he could tell she was sad and it wasn't right. Sometimes she reminds me of my Mom. After my dad ran off, Mom was solely focused on me, my needs and wants, but she was always sad. She barely lived and that wasn't right."

I sat up and rested my elbows on my knees. "I'm certain she wasn't always sad. She had you. No one can ever be sad when they have Paul Lahey around." I patted his back and smiled when he did.

A nod of agreement. "Grandpa says that too."

"He is a very wise man." I checked the time on my watch. "It's getting late, I should head home."

"Thanks for coming, buddy." Paul stood and lifted his hand for a fist bump.

My fist met his. "Thanks for dinner."

I strolled over to my baby and picked up my helmet off the handle. Putting it over my head, I got on and sped off into town.

The drive was soothing, the feel of the chilly air hitting my body full on. The thrill of speeding down an open road, both fear and pleasure engulfing my body. I'd always craved exhilaration and adrenaline, it was something that scared my family. My recklessness and eagerness to run into fires, my love for speed and freedom.

I slowed down as I reached further into town. There was barely anyone around at this time, except for some night lovers that were still awake. I got a little excited when I saw the familiar woman up ahead.

I revved my bike while coming to a stop in front of her, stalling her slow steps. Thalia eyed me with a look of anger, but I knew she didn't know who it was behind my helmet.

"Can I help you?" She gritted out above the noise.

I shut off my motorcycle and took off my helmet, in fear she attacked me because the woman appeared to be the type. Someone who would fight when provoked rather than run.

"Hello." I grinned while giving a wave.

"Kenzie." She muttered. "Isn't it a little too late for you to be out?"

"I was just heading home from Paul's. Why are you out this late?" I asked, still sitting on my bike.

She shrugged. "Taking a walk."

"Do you make it a habit of walking alone at night time?"

"It's relaxing." She breathed out and I watched as she glanced around us.

I blatantly stared at her, the tiredness that showed and the way she basically hugged herself. It wasn't just the cold, I sensed it was a futile way of protecting herself. I wasn't sure if it was from me or this cruel world.

"Thalia," I started but had no clue of what to say. I decided to ask instead with a happy smile. "Wanna go for a ride?"

She grimaced. "I'm not getting on that thing."

"You can take my helmet." I offered it to her.

"No, then you'll have none."

"I'll go really slow."


"Come on." I urged, shaking the black helmet at her.

"Never." She muttered.

"Fine." I relented and lowered my hand, thinking. "Can I walk you home?"

"I literally live right there." She pressed her lips together.

I smiled. "Are you trying not to smile?"

"No." She answered quickly.

I chuckled and placed my helmet on. "I'll get you."

She rolled her eyes and walked off. I waited as she got to the small building where she lived, grinning behind my helmet when she didn't look back as she disappeared. Flipping my visor down, I left.


A Silent Hope Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang