"Ohhh," I replied shortly and continued to eat.

He stopped eating and looked at me while smiling. "Why? You want me to accompany you to go somewhere?" He asked, resting his chin on his hands.

I shrugged."Yeah, maybe."

"But nevermind, you already have a plan."

He suddenly held my hand that I put on the table and it made me startled."No, no. I mean no!" He said in a loud voice.

I chuckled looking at his face."What do you mean no?"

"I didn't have a plan. I'm free the whole day."

"I can follow you everywhere you want to go," he said confidently and determined in his voice.

"But you said you have to meet Earn."

"I can meet her tomorrow."

I pulled my hand that he was holding and let out a deep breath before continuing to eat.

"Don't cancel the plan you already made with someone, Yin," I said while smiling a little.

"That person will be hurt."

It reminded me of our high school days, our plans were usually cancelled by him because he wanted to spend his time and hang out with someone else rather than me. I was no longer upset but when Yin easily cancelled his plan with the people he had already planned to meet today, I couldn't help but recall what had happened before.

Yin gave me a long stare before smiling a tiny bit."Last time you also canceled your plan with Pack because of me."

"Huh? When?" I furrowed.

"The time you came to give me support for my selected football program."

"You already have a plan with Pack, right?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and my eyes widened.

Shit. How could I have forgotten about that?! I cancelled my plans to accompany Pack to the bookstore to buy a book because I wanted to support Yin on that day. I had no idea why I had done it.

Stupid War!

"Errr we..we aren't the same!"

"Why are you comparing me with you?!" I said loudly, trying to cover up my embarrassment because the words I said to him early it's like returning back to myself.

"Oh okay," he smiled playfully and I avoided his eyes because I could feel my cheeks become tomato.

"So where do we want to go after this?"

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, we. I want to follow you," he said joyfully.

I sighed while shaking my head."You will meet Earn and I will go to the library."

"Oh okay," he replied shortly and continued to eat but his answer made me stop moving and even breathing.

What's he mean 'oh okay'? He didn't want to argue or force me to allow him to follow me. Is he serious? Didn't he really want to meet Earn? And for what? Why does she want to meet Earn? Errr whatever, not that I care about his personal life.


After we finished eating breakfast, Yin rode his motorbike to drive me to the library and he had said nothing since then. Did he not try to persuade me and instead insisted on following me? He used to say he was free all day today but now he just zips his mouth shut.

Is he kidding me?

Or am I the only one who hoped he would accompany me rather than meet someone else?

Lonely Tears S2: My Beginning, End and Ever AfterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora