➊➍: Curse You Donna Reed

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"He might as well kick the dog too," Rory said.

"Which one is your favorite episode, Matt?" Dean asked.

"Mine is where Alex starts getting frustrated with everyone and he and Donna decide to go on a picnic and they run out of gas," Matt said. "Nothing happens in that one."

Lorelai shushed them, "She's making doughnuts."

"'...behind in the sugar department'," Donna said on the TV.

"'I guess I was thinking of something else, Mom," replied Jeff.

"'Not that my sugary attitude wouldn't make anyone an instant diabetic,'" Lorelai mocked, imitating the dialogue.

"Mother/daughter window washing," said Rory. "We should try that."

"Yeah, right after mother/daughter shock treatments," said Lorelai. She made up a dialogue, "'You know, daughter, there's nothing more satisfying than washing windows – oh no.'"

In a high pitched voice, Rory asked, "'What? Did I miss a spot?'"

"No, I just had an impure thought about your father, Alex. Funny – I don't know why I had it. It's the second Saturday of the month.'"

The father popped his head in the window so in a very deep voice, Matt said, "'Hey, I just heard you say that you had an impure thought about me.'"

Delilah laughed.

"I must now sublimate all my impure thoughts by going into the kitchen and making an endless string of perfect casseroles,'" Lorelai added.

"While you do that, I will go down to the church because I think that my father had just been possessed by Satan,'" Samantha added.

"You're not even listening to the dialogue," Dean said.

"Why should we? It's fun to make up dialogue," Delilah pointed out.

"Yeah," replied Rory. "Ours is better."

"I don't know," said Dean. "It all seems kind of nice to me."

"What does?" asked Rory.

"Well, you know, families hanging together," said Dean.

"We all hang out with our families," Samantha pointed out.

"My mom and I don't," Matt said.

"Well, I mean, a wife cooking dinner for her husband," Dean continued. "And look, she looks really happy."

"It's a TV show," Samantha pointed out.

"She medicated," said Lorelai.

"And like Samantha said, she's acting from a script," Rory said.

"That was written by a man," Delilah added.

"Well said sister suffragette," Rory said.

"What if she likes making doughnut and dinner for her family and keeping things nice for them and..." Dean trailed off, noticing how everyone was staring at him. "Okay, I feel very unpopular right now."

"You are," Matt said.

"'You know, dear, the first ten years we were married, I was upset when you came home late for dinner," said Donna.

"And you're not anymore?" Alex asked.

"No," replied Donna. "You are no longer late for dinner. You are just extremely early for breakfast."

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