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Preeta went into the kitchen to prepare snacks and tea for the family, Rishabh followed her. 

Rishabh: 'Preetaji , are you sure about this, I dont ever want you to feel pressured into anything"

Pree:' Rishabhji, I am not under any pressure, if there is anyone I would want to marry, then it would be my best friend, who has trusted me and stood beside me, what more could a woman possibly ask for' ( in mind.. but also i dont know what happens to me lately, everytime you come near me, I feel like I want to be beside you forever. )

While our dear Preeta was lost in thought she was absently reaching towards the hot water, Rishabh noticed this and grabbed her hand rapidly causing the her  to stumble and land into his arms and they were completely lost in each, they breaths intermingling their eyes and souls connecting leaning to each other their lips met and to them it felt like sparks shooting down their body, he pulled her into him deepening the kiss as she let out a soft purr in pleasure, while these 2 were lost in each other Prajun came to see that everything was okay, they were a little shocked to find their respectable and serious Rish kissing a girl and not just any girl Preeta, who was always so shy and reserved, deciding not to disturb them and holding back their glee, they slowly returned to the living room. 

Shristi: ' Kya di, where's the snacks I'm very hungry"

Pragya:' Just now my choti,  haan MA , Rakhi Aunty , the pandit will arrive in the morning to give us the dates, my sisters wedding will be the talk of the town. "

Arjun" Ah my Saali sahiba is the best so she will have the best. 

 Everyone started giving their ideas for the wedding and a very flushed Preeta and Rishabh returned with tea and snacks. 

At the Luthra Mansion :

Kareena: ' Ma I think you have to tell Karan to marry Mahira, before he runs back to that Preeta Arora, do they really believe that we will accept she has money, middle class people pretending thats all. "

Bani was very confused and already she had lost 2 of her grandsons and her son and daughter in law as they chose to leave the home they had shared for so many years, seeing no other choice than to once more bow to her daughters she agreed to speak to Karan, Mahira who had been listening to everything smirked as she had created some fake article and convinced Kareena that Preeta was indeed middle  class and was pretending so that Karan would chase her, and Kareena's prejudice towards middle class people and the betrayal of her husband who after marriage could not cater to her luxury lifestyle made things so much easier. 

Karan unaware of all the plotting happening right under his nose just walked in from practice extremely tired and just wanting the peace of his own room but sighed as he walked in and noticed his Dadi and Bua looking at him expectantly. 

Bani:' Karan Puttar, come sit"

Karan put down his kit and sat down as requested, 'Haan Dadi, kya hua"

Dadi: ' Kuch to nahi beta, but my health isnt getting any better, All I want is to see you happy, please marry Mahira."

Karan: 'Dadi, I wont say this again I will not marry anyone but Preeta" his eyes blazed angrily and he stomped of to his room. 

Mahira was extremely angry and decided she had to get him no matter what it takes. 

The next day at the Kapoor mansion. 

The pandit was there very early as everyone was very excited about the upcoming nuptials. RISHTA had requested that the family keep all the functions small and amongst their closest people as they were tired of all the drama and mishaps  that usually occurs at their functions, so they made a request to keep things small private and intimate, the wedding date give were in 2 days time or 3 months later, Pragya wanted to get her sister out of the clutches of the younger Luthra as soon as possible so she convinced everyone that 2 days was enough time to prepare hence the hall was a madhouse with decorators running hither and tither to complete the arrangements.

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