Dont You Dare...

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The two sisters, the lawyer and Aj left the Aroras.

In the car Pragya Preeta.

Pragya: " Preeta, I know that you may love Karan. But I need you to understand that any marriage needs more than just love to survive, it needs respect and trust, if a marriage does not have these then it has no basis, today we are taking back your self respect, Do not be weak, I am with you.

Preeta looked across at her sister, who had stood by her ex so called Jiju through it all and yet he still chose everyone else, she knew her sister was doing this for her benefit.

Upon reaching the Luthra mansion. Preeta approached the door and rang the bell while the rest stood back,

She was slightly afraid but she also knew her sister would look after her.

Girish opened the door while Kareena stood at a distance;

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Girish opened the door while Kareena stood at a distance;

Kareena not noticing The others started her same old story ... " You middle class Preeta Arora, why did you come here, didn't Karan make it clear to you that you are not welcome here"

Preeta: " You right he did, I just have a small piece of unattended business to attend then I will leave".

( She stood with her head held high just as her sister had asked her too.)

Sherlyn: " What business could a middle class girl like you possibly have with us".

The other Luthras descended. Karan looked at Preeta, he smirked and noticed her nuptial chain and kumkum.

Karan: " Preeta Arora,  you got married, where is your husband."

Sameer, Rishabh and Rakhi looked at him with shock.

Sameer: " Karan Bhai, what are you saying. You know very well you married Preeta Bhabi".

Karan looked angrily at Sameer:" Yes but I didn't take her to her in laws so what proof is there of that."

Rishabh:" Enough Karan, how much lower can you stoop." He looked at his brother in disgust.

Karan" See Preeta Arora, everywhere you go, you cause  discord, today my brother is again on your side" 

Rishabh: " I'm on her side because unlike you I can see what's right and wrong, I see whats happening with a calm mind and not with anger".

Karan ignore Rishabh and said To Preeta," It's a good thing you are here, because now you will be the first to hear of my pending marriage to Mahira ".

Pragya had enough, this Karan Luthra needed a lesson, she held her sisters hand and walked to him.

" Well Mr Luthra, it seems your Bhai was wrong, you are so low right now, and my sister has no issues with your marriage, provided" she was cut of by Kareena.

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