Truth or Dare Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"Done!" Trixia says as she gives Axel a mirror, having applied some eyeshadow and some blush. Axel gives the girl a smile as he looks into the mirror happily, "I look great! Thank you, Trixie!"

"Aww! You look adorable!" Vanessa squeals happily as she looks at Axel, who gives her a shy smile back in return, glad that the other thinks so.

"Your turn, Sunshine!" Vanessa says happily as Trixia goes back to her spot, putting her stuff away.

"Oh, okay! Umm... Diane! Truth or dare?" Axel asks with a head tilt as the girl smiles back gently, "Truth."

"Can you tell us what your favourite hobby is?" Axel asks curiously as he smiles at the girl, not going to push if the girl doesn't feel like sharing.

"Oh, sure! I like knitting." Diana says as she gently claps her hands together, not minding sharing it at all and smiles at how polite the boy is being before moving on with the game, "Vanny, truth or dare?"

"Dare all the way!" Vanessa says with a small snicker as she smiles at Diana.

"May I braid your hair, please?" Diana asks with a small head-tilt, just like Trixia and Axel, she won't push anything.

"Sure!" Vanessa gives Diana a big smile as the girl walks over, turning her head and making it easier for her.

"You guys can continue as I braid," Diana informs gently as she gets started on braiding Vanessa's hair.

"Oh, then... Rence, truth or dare?" Vanessa asks happily as the boy blinks in surprise at getting picked, eyeing the girl wearily. Not liking both options equally, especially since it comes from Vanessa, having picked dare because he likes to keep his secrets.

"Umm... I dare you to eat a spoonful of ghost pepper hot sauce!" Vanessa says as she takes a bottle of it out of her bag, causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"Why did you even bring that with you?" Jhales asks with a sign, though not sure why he is even surprised at this point.

"Because I thought that we might play this!" Vanessa says proudly as Terrence just shrugs, taking the bottle and eating a spoonful of it casually.

"Wha- HOW?!" Vanessa, Jeremy and Damien yell out as they stare at Terrence in disbelief, with the boy only shrugging and giving Vanessa the bottle back.

"Terry can handle a lot of spice!" Tyron informs the rest with a small giggle, can handle quite a bit themself, with Vanessa just pouting in disappointment, "Well that was boring..."

"Your lost then," Terrence bites down a small smirk at the reaction before he turns towards Jeremy, "Jeremy, T or D?"

"T?" Jeremy would usually pick dare, but not feeling like it after the dares that had been given out.

"What is one thing you do that most people find odd?" The boy asks as he leans back against his chair.

"Oh, well... I order my tacos without the tomatoes; people had called me weird for that!" Jeremy informs with a small shrug as Trixia eyes him with disappointment, "Off with your head!"

"Why?" Jeremy asks with confusion as Trixia only signs, "Why would you order it without the tomatoes?"

"Because I don't like tomatoes...?" Jeremy signs as Trixia just rolls her eyes playfully, "Picky eater I see, fine then... I'll let you past this time."

"Thank you, Princess." Jeremy lets out a small snicker before looking around, eyes landing on the only person that hadn't been asked yet, "Ty, T or D?"

"Hmm? Dare!" Tyron answers happily as Terrence eyes the two in slight concern, knowing his brother would literally do any dare without a second thought.

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