Chapter 13: Come Out

Start from the beginning

Hopper's pov

I went in the kitchen to talk to Joyce. We talked for a bit. El and Will came downstairs. I wanted to talk about Max with Joyce, about her step father but I had to wait until the kids were gone. "mum, can we invite our friends here to hang out, since El is already here?" will asked. I found this a perfect opportunity to tell Max about her step father. "yeah sure honey" Joyce replied. They went back upstairs. "Joyce" I said quietly. "yeah?" she asked. "we should um.. tell max about Neil. Like we have to do it before things get worse" I said., "yeah I agree she's scared though but we have to do it.. for her to protect her." Joyce said. "yeah of course, should we tell her when she comes with the others?" I asked quietly. "um, we should let them have some fun before though I don't think max is ready for that" Joyce said. "yeah you're right, we should do it later, since her friends are here she'll have support too" I said. "yeah you're right, God I can't believe what max has been through this whole time and no one noticed..." she said upset. "yeah... I can't believe people... I won't let something bad happen to her again and you know.. I've been thinking even if her mom doesn't kick her out after or if she comes out to her I think she'll be better if she stayed here with us but she needs her mother so" I said. "I agree, she doesn't deserve a mom like that" she said. "and El looks happy with her she would be happy if max stayed with us" I said quietly so no one hears our conversation. "yeah, they're somehow connected, you know... trauma, El about the lab and.. everything that shit head Dr. Brenner did to this poor girl and now max being abused? They need each other" Joyce said. "yeah, we must help max since her parents never did. I mean it's going to be a bit hard to have another kid but it's all worth it and I can afford that" I said. "yeah, that's true, she needs support" she said. I nodded. Before any of us could say anything else we heard the ringbell. "we'll get it" I hear El and will saying running down the stairs.

El's pov

We heard the ringbell. We run downstairs. I opened the door to see who came first. It was Max and Mike. Did they come together?. "yeah, we came at the same time" Mike laughed. Max just rolled her eyes playfully. I immediately ran to hug her. And Will hugged Mike. I really hope Mike and Will get together. I want will be happy.

Hopper's pov

The door opened. Me and Joyce stood up to greet the kids. I saw max hugging El. I smiled proudly. The way they look at each other, I just like seeing El happy. "hey kids" me and Joyce said a the same time greeting them with a smile. I went over to max. "hey max, how are you?" I asked her smiling. "I'm good, what about you sir and Mrs. Byers" Me and Joyce laughed. "how many times do I hate to tell you honey, call me Joyce" Joyce said. "and Hopper or hop" I said laughing. "yeah sorry" she said. "alright let's go upstairs" Will said. The kids went upstairs.

El's pov

"sooo what are we gonna do until the others come?" Mike asked. We shrugged. I looked at will. "hey max can you come with me for a second?" I asked max. I wanted to leave Mike with will so he makes a move. I walked past Will and whispered in his ear. "I'll leave you alone, talk to him okay it'll be fine" I said smiling. He blushed and nodded. Me and max went into Joyce's room. "what was that about?" max said laughing at me. "nothing, I just wanted to leave them alone" I said smiling. She raised her eyebrow at me. "what do you mean?" she asked confused. I smirked. She understood. "oooo Holy shit, Will likes Mike? I mean, I'm not so surprised to be honest" I laughed. "wait, you don't mind?" she asked. "not much, I prefer Mike as a friend and I want will happy so it would be selfish of me to be mad about it" I said. She nodded. "plus, I-I like-um - you..." I said nervously. I already knew she had feelings for me I was still scared for rejection. She looked at me. "same...i mean you already knew but-I really do-and I.. did the kiss mean anything to you?" she asked. "yeah... I wanted to.. Did you like it?" she nodded smiling. I blushed. "um,I-will you.... like maybe be my girlfriend.." I asked shyly. I didn't know how to do that. She smiled and blushed. "wait do you actually have feelings for me..?" she asked again. She doesn't believe me. "max... yes, why don't you believe me?" I asked. "I-I don't know, I just never expected you to feel the same" she said nervously and smiling. I leaned in. I wanted to do it again. She immediately kissed back. I felt butterflies. My right hand was on her cheek and the other on her waist. We enjoyed the moment. We pulled away smiling. "El?" she asked smiling. "yeah?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "will you be mine?" she asked laughing and blushing. I was confused but blushed too. I just asked her to be my girlfriend why is she asking me the same?i mean I don't mind... "yeah of course but I just asked you, why are you repeating it?" I laughed. "you see the thing'll think is funny if I tell you" she said. Now I'm even more confused. "oh come onnnn don't ask me something and expect me to not talk about it" I said smirking. "uh fine, I've always wanted to say that" she said proudly and laughed. "say what?" I asked confused. She rolled her eyes playfully. "I've always wanted to ask the 'will you mine', or 'can I call you yours', I knew you would find it weird and funny.. I'm sorry" she said nervously. "no no it's not weird it's cute" I said smiling. She looked at me in awe. "how do you this? You're so cute" she accidentally slipped out. I realised by her reaction after. I chuckled. "you're cute too max and really....really pretty. I've never seen anyone prettier than you" I said looking at her beautiful blue ocean eyes. She blushed by my compliment. "thanks but it's not true..." "maxxxxxx, please everything on you is amazing, your beautiful ginger hair-" she cut me off. "oh please, my red hair ruin my looks" she said laughing. "what?! Are you crazy, I've never seen anyone with redhair and I love them you're so pretty max.." I said. I sound like a simp but we loved complimenting each other. "unlike me.." I said sadly but laughed. She raised her eyebrow at me looking at me like I'm crazy. "ellllllll, just look at yourself!" she moved me to watch myself in the mirror. "you're so adorableeee" she said touching my cheeks and messing with me. "stoppp that, it hurts" I said laughing. It didn't hurt I was just messing with her. "thanks but no" I said. "okay, wanna do this I'll tell you how pretty you are" she said. I laughed at her crazy idea. "alright, you have beautiful brown caramel wavy short hair, beautiful and gorgeous brown Hazel eyes like a cute little Teddy bear..your soft pink lips, your cute little nose and body.your adorable smile.. most importantly our heart" she said pointing at my chest, my heart. I blushed. Did she really notice all those things on me? I was speechless. I looked at her in awe. "that's so cute max..i didn't know someone would look at me like this" I said. She looked at me confused. "did Mike never called you pretty?" she asked. "idk maybe like once" I said. "how dare heeee" she joked. I laughed with her. "I'll describe you now" I said excitedly. "oh god.. Please don't wanna sound like a pick me or something but I know they're not true" she said. "why are you so negative with yourself, so insecure" I said. "so are you!" she said laughing. "I mean you're not wrong. Haha" I said. "you have the most prettier hair gorgeous red, ginger hair who sparkle in the sun, wavy and so soft, beautiful ocean blue eyes that I could stare at for hours, your smile... Is soo adorablee i don't see you smile often but when you do I feel butterflies and your amazing freckles that look like stars and are so cute!! "I said smiling at her looking at her and describing her. She was blushing hard. I could tell, her cheeks were red. I laughed." and your cheeks when you blush, it's adorable "I said." oh shit" she tried to hide herself with a pillow. I threw it away with my powers. "don't hide like I said you're adorable when you blush" I said. "so are you" she said. "we sound so flirty" she said laughing. "I mean why not? We like each other, I've always wanted to say those things, to tell you how pretty you are" "you too" she replied. This time she leaned in to kiss me but Will and Mike interrupted us. Mike's jaw dropped. "holy shit!! Are you together?" Mike said laughing. "well obviously" Will said sarcastically. "finally, took you long enough" Mike laughed. "why does everyone saying that" I said. "wait what do you mean everyone?" Mike asked. "oh, I only told Hopper, I mean he kind of could tell so when he asked i told the truth and he supports me, a lot actually, we've had a emotional conversation this morning too and I told will"i said with a smile." oh um, since we're talking about these stuff,will asked me out and I said yes" Mike said scared for my reaction."its fine I already told her about my feelings for you she completely supports us" will said. "oh, that's nice thank you El, just to know I'm actually bi I think I did like you" Mike said. "same" I said smiling. We hugged and then we heard the ringbell again. Me and will went downstairs to open the door and greet our friends.

Max's pov

El and Will went downstairs to open the door. I was with Mike patiently waiting for the others to come. "hey,um I wanted to apologise for... what I did to you, I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but I just wanted to do it."mike said. I wasn't expecting it. I wanted to say fuck you for everything he did but I wasn't that much of a bitch." well, you really shouldn't have done it, but since you've changed we can be friends again and I was just jealous I guess you know...seeing you with El" I said. "yeah I understand.... I could tell but I exposed you which I regret and I can't explain how sorry I am and it would be useless cause you won't believe me" he explained himself. "Mike, I said it's fine maybe me and el wouldn't be together if you didn't do it, I never thought she would feel the same so I never tried to make a move or something same with will to be honest so yeah, friends?" I said deciding to give him a chance. "only if you stop being an asshole" I said laughing. "I can't promise you that you know I'll annoy you for life" he joked. I hit him on his shoulder. "ouch" he groaned. I laughed. "well if you do so I'll just get revenge" I said smiling to mess with him. He rolled his eyes and shook my hand. "alright alright fine" he said laughing. Will and El came back with Dustin and Lucas. "who's ready to play board gamesss" Dustin started yelling. "jeez Dustin can't live peacefully without you yelliing?" I asked annoyed. Dustin laughed in response. I rolled my eyes. We went downstairs to play. We sat on the big table since we were lots of people. Joyce and hopper were in the kitchen watching us. We finished playing.

3186 words
If anyone here reads this and likes my story, can you please tell me what's your favourite chapter if you have one I'm just curious

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