"Bad wolf," I say, pointing my finger at him, trying to sound stern.

"I'm not a dog," he says, chuckling through the mind-link.

"You can talk even as a wolf?" I say surprised.

"I can't talk out loud, but I can still mind-link you."

"That's good," I say and look up at him. I run my fingers through his fur on the sides of his neck. He's so soft and he's got such thick fur. The black color almost shifts in blue in the sunlight, especially when the wind blows gently through it.

I shiver a little. It's warm outside and I was even brave enough to put on a skirt today, but the wind is still a little cool. Zeke hunches down over me to give me warmth, just like he did when he shielded me from danger after I almost got attacked by the rogue. He nuzzles my neck again and I hug him and nuzzle his fur. I've never felt so content.

We lie like that for a while until I'm warm again. He looks at me, then licks my mark repeatedly, making the tingles travel down to my lady parts. Pure pleasure and his naughty thoughts are all I'm feeling. I guess he can smell my arousal, because he suddenly growls a guttural sound and backs off a bit.

I sit up and he mind-links me, "You smell so good that I can hardly keep my paws off you," he says teasingly.

I stand up and gulp. He's not going to mate me as a wolf, is he? That would be weird, I think. This mate-bond is making me have really strange thoughts, but that would be a little too weird.

"You better run, Hope," he says playfully and winks at me.

I smile at him, then take off into the woods, giggling.

"I'll give you a head start," he says.

I'm not scared since it's Zeke, but the excitement of being chased by a wolf, makes the adrenalin pump through me. I can hear him behind me, branches snapping, him breathing, but I know that he's just stalling to tease me, and he wouldn't let me run off too far without keeping an eye on me in case something happened, like if I tripped or something. I'm not scared of the rouges since they have increased the security so much.

I jog lightly. There's no need or use to run like hell. He would catch up with me if he wanted to anyway. I know that he's to my left amongst the trees.

When I hear the sound of water, I slow down. I come to a small clearing and see the small stream that leads from the waterfall to the lake. I stand there and watch it for a little while, then I suddenly hear branches cracking behind me. I can feel that it's Zeke and the excitement comes rushing back to me.

I can feel what he's feeling. He's exhilarated that he got to chase me since he likes to hunt as a wolf. He got to stalk his pray, but I'm not just any pray that he wants to kill. I'm the kind of pray that he wants to mate. He's just as aroused as I am, but I don't turn around to look at him. The excitement of having him sneak up on me⸺even if I we're both aware of each other⸺is so much better and makes my whole body tingle and shiver.

I hear him coming closer until he's breathing against my neck. Even in his wolf-form, he's taller than me. He growls silently, then bites my neck, just where the mark is. He sinks his canines into me again and a rush of pleasure runs through me. That euphoric feeling hits me once again and I fall forward, but Zeke has shifted back to his human-form and wraps his arm around me and lowers me down to the ground. In a swift move, with his teeth still in my neck, he pulls my skirt up and panties to the side and enters me from behind, lying on top of me. He growls loudly and pulls out his canines from my neck. I cum right then and there from the intense feeling.

"Zeke!" I moan out, and I hope to god that there aren't any other werewolves around that can hear us.

He growls again and starts slamming into me while licking the mark. I fist the grass in front of me and keep moaning since it's the best feeling I've ever felt.

Euphoric is the only word that can explain how I'm feeling when we're this intimate. Since I can feel all of his feelings⸺how turned on he is, how much he admires and loves me, wants to protect me and keep me safe⸺it only intensifies it.

He might be rougher this time, but it's just what I need...what we need. I know that he can feel it, otherwise he wouldn't do it.

He gets up on his knees and pulls my ass up with him. He grabs my hips and continues to slam into me.

"God, I'm going to...Aaah, Zeke!" I scream out when I cum again.

He growls louder than ever when he fills me up, making all the poor birds in the forest fly away.

I hope they weren't watching us.

Zeke lifts me up and spins me around so I'm straddling him. Both of our chests are heaving and lean on his chest to rest and try to catch my breath.

"I love you so fucking much, Hope. I hope I didn't hurt you. Chasing you and smelling your arousal all the time me go crazy," he says, smirking. "You're driving me crazy, Hope, but in the best way possible."

I have a wide smile on my face. "You didn't hurt me. It was just as exciting for me and I liked it. I know that you would never hurt me, Zeke. I trust you and I love you."

He leans his head down and nuzzles my neck again.

"Is it normal to mark your mate twice?" I ask him.

"No," he says, chuckling, "but I couldn't help myself.

"Well, I kind of like it when you do. It's like a stream of euphoria running through my body and I can feel your every emotion. I can otherwise too since you marked me the first time, but it's like a high where your feelings intensifies."

"So, I can keep marking you?" he says with a glint in his eyes, and I chuckle. "Be afraid of what you wish for. You're starting to get me worked up again and I know that you don't have the strength to let me take you again."

I really don't, but my mate-bond hormones tell me to let him mate me whenever he feels like it, and I would surely enjoy it, but I'm not a werewolf with energy that lasts forever, so I need to eat and rest before the next round.

"Don't worry, Hope, I'll carry you home so you can rest," he says and lifts me up in his arms. He walks us back to the clearing we were first at so he can get his clothes and get dressed before walking home.

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