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Oh fuck oh fuck I get up pacing the room I did not expect that. "Baby please say something please tell me I didn't just loose you.."

I hear the pain in her voice making me stop and look at her. I gather myself and walk to her sitting on the bed with her head down, with tears flowing from her eyes.

I walk between her legs pulling her face to my stomach. Rubbing her head "No.. no you didn't lose me I'm just shocked I'm sorry this is a lot.. but I'm not going anywhere"

I feel her body shake letting me know she's crying harder. Allowing her to let out all her emotions as I hold her whispering reassuring words to me.

After she calms down a little we shower and lay down. "What made you kill" she looks at me hesitatingly making eye contact with me.

"I I was angry but I didn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. The gang I did work for kept people safe kept the predators off the street."

"After everything I went through If I could I wanted to stop these monsters from harming another innocent life.. I stopped it started to take a toll me on mentally."

Looking into her eyes I see someone broken, someone just like me. Looking for something to feel this empty void we felt. "What toll what happened?" I wanna know everything.

"I realized no matter how many I killed there would be 100 more.. I killed them but couldn't kill the monster that hurt me my aunt she knew she saw it she did nothing"

There is a calmness to her voice as if she's all cried out. With nothing but silent anger lingering to unleash. "Than I found out about Paul the other day and I knew I would make them suffer I took all that pain so they wouldn't but I failed.. I failed them.."

Pushing her on her back straddling her, "My baby I'm so sorry you had to experience such pain, but you did not fail anyone! You were 12 you did what you thought was best. You cannot blame yourself anymore."

She pulls me down and kiss me pouring all her emotions into the kiss. What she can't seem to say she's saying it in this kiss and I feel every word.

"I love you so much, I thought I would lose you I never wanna keep anything from you thank you for being what I've been missing"

I smile at her words I feel my stomach flutter she makes me feel like a lovesick teenager. "I love you, you'll never lose me after all I am carrying you child" I'm not sure if I'm pregnant yet but I have this intuition that I am.

"And as for your aunt and uncle.. we will kill them together just like we will kill that bitch for putting my dad in a coma.."

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