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  After my meeting with the Publishing Company I head to my office I call my dad.

"Hola Hija, aren't you at work?" "Mmm.. si papi mother came to my office this morning" theres a long pause letting me know something is definitely up "I talked to her this morning why did she come up to your office?"

He wants to play I see "Why are you lying to mother? You told her you were at my office I didn't know you came down here early, why the hell are you lying?" for the first time in my life I just raised my voice to one of parents.

"I... I..." now he can't speak huh "yo yo que papi que carajos haces?" Im sure Hayley hears right now but I don't care "Ayii Encontré a alguien hija y no es tu madre" I hear him sniffing "we can't have this conversation over the phone."
(You you what dad wtf are you doing?)
(I found someone daughter and its not your mother)

This is fucking wild I can believe this, yes you read right can. "Si hija ill be at your house after work."

"Meet me now" I hang up before he can respond I tell Hayley to cancel all my meetings for the day I'm going home.

Arriving at my home I see my dad car is there, walking in I see his bloodshot eyes and he looks like shit. "Who did you meet papi?" He lowers his head in shame, "I met him at a strip club I go to when I visit. It just happened I didn't mean to fall for him.."

My jaw is on the floor right now did he just say 'he' my dad is.. is gay? I see tears rolling down his eyes at my reaction. I walk over giving him a hug "It's okay papi we can't help who we love. Does he make you happy?"

"Yes hija he does me and your mom haven't been the same since you left, I hated how she treated you." I feel a lump forming in my throat "you never stood up for me.. why?" Wiping his tears he says "I was afraid if I defended you she would find out about me lo siento mija lo siento"
(Im sorry daughter im sorry)

During this deep conversation we didn't hear the front door open "que carajo, you've been fucking another man! You nasty fucking bastard ill kill you" my mother has a look on her face that would kill...

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