Endless Cycle

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I'm walking through these halls, wondering why I never noticed the carvings of letters, the cracks in the walls, paint that is peeling off and revealing the brickwork beneath. What once was something I complained about is now something else I may never see again.

Walking down the stairs into a hall full of students, who have no idea what the future holds for them. Laughing and running, so full of life. Yet I look around my class and the once kids now look like old weathered men. Stress etched into their features as exams creep closer and closer.

Many often wonder why us teenagers are so lazy, why we don't listen. Do you want the answer?

We get up at 7am every morning, don't bother grabbing breakfast as we rush to leave the house. Then we remember we forgot lunch, but we're already running late so we just pick up the pace to school. Who needs lunch anyways?
We sit through lesson after lesson of algebra, pythagoras, Shakespeare, poems, ionic bonding, cells and so much more.
We chatter and laugh with friends, pushing away reality. Lunch comes round and we don't bother buying food. Not after that boy said how fat we looked.

The day comes to an end and i run out those gates, straight home to revise. I look at all this information wondering how I'll ever remember it in the exams!

Now it's 1am. Maybe I should get some sleep?
But then again, what's the point?

Authors note
Hi guys. If you are doing exams at the minute, I wish all the best of luck! It's so stressful and you deserve to do well just for getting through it!
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Let me know if there anything you want me to do a chapter on and I'll see what I can do.
Again good luck!

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