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I woke up at 5:15, I got out of bed and picked my outfit for the day, which was a black knee-length dress and the boots I wore on my date, which may become my everyday shoes, as I can hide my knife in case I ever need it. Karen was still asleep so I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. My neck, hand, and forehead were sore but the bruise is almost gone.

I went back to my room to wait for Karen to wake up. She started to wake up around 5:30, "why do you do this?" Karen asked.

"What do you mean? There's a lot of things I do" I asked.

"Kill? Chucky? Everything" Karen said.

"I kill because I want to, it's fun and relaxing" I said.

"What's your story with him? Not the one you told me" Karen asked.

"I got him when I was 10, but I knew about him since I was 8 as that's when he came to me in my drawings, he seemed cool and my parents saw the fascination I had with the doll in my drawings so for my 10th birthday I got him. After 2 weeks, he came alive and we came to a deal to protect myself and my family. Then 7 months later I got Terry, then Chucky and I became closer, we became really good friends as I opened up more to him. Then 5 months later, after having him for a year he offered to end the deal and he would leave us alone, but I said no because I grew to care for him in that year, and he said that, that would be the only time he offered me an out and I kept my answer to no. Then after 5 years of having him and being friends here we are" I said. When Tiffany walked in I gave her a smile, "I'm going to cut your feet free so you can walk around," I said, she nodded and I cut the duct tape so she could walk.

"Just coming to see if you were up. I'll take over while you go eat some breakfast, you have a big day ahead of you" Tiffany said.

"Thank you," I said and went downstairs for breakfast, Chucky, Charles and Junior were already at the table. I sat down next to Junior, for breakfast it was french toast. I didn't say anything as I was tired and hungry. It was silent as we ate our food, eventually, Tiffany and Karen came down.

Karen's eyes kept flicking from the five of us and the front door "don't even think about it" Charles said, as he looked up from his plate. She sat in the chair she was in yesterday and ate the food that Tiffany gave her. Tiffany sat with us keeping an eye on Karen in case she tries anything. After I was done I put my plate in the sink and went and brushed my teeth. When I was washed up, I grabbed my bookbag and went back downstairs. Karen was on the couch with her feet and arms tied again.

"Come on Junior, Maya time for school," Tiffany said as she went to the front of the house, I grabbed Chucky and we followed after her. Chucky and I sat up front while Junior sat in the back. It was quiet on the drive to the school, I just watched the houses and trees fly by. When we pulled up to the school, I grabbed Chucky and got out, "I'll be picking you guys up early" Tiffany said and drove off.

Junior came over to me and held my hand and we headed inside, "so I'll come find you before lunch to grab Chucky " Junior said.

"Okay thank you," I said as Junior left me at first period, I went in and sat down, Kyle ignored us and we ignored her which made me happy. I wonder how she's going to react to Andy, it'll be interesting that is for sure. Class went by and before I knew it the bell rang, so I got up, grabbed Chucky, my bag, and went to history. Junior was already there so I went over to him, I gave him a smile as I sat down which he returned.

"It's sad that this is our only class together," Junior said and I nodded.

"I know but not much we can do about it," I said.

"Yeah, I guess, hopefully, we'll have more classes together after we move," Junior said and then the bell rang so I turned to face the front to listen to the teacher's lecture.

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