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As the door opened it revealed two police officers and two paramedics. The paramedics rushed in to assess the situation, Devon backed off to allow them to do their job, but since she was already dead all they did was place her in a body bag and left. Lexy went to Devon and gave him a hug as his mother was carried away. "One of us will stay with three of you while the other questions you separately," one of the police officers said.

We nodded and went to the living room to sit down, Jake was the first one they questioned. I placed Chucky next to me, Devon in the middle and Lexy on the other side of Devon. We both gave him side hugs as we sat in silence. Jake came back and Devon went in next, Jake took Devon's spot. Once Devon came back, then it was Lexy's turn. I started to think about what I could say to Junior to tip him over the edge. I have to be careful cause I don't want to seem like I'm manipulating him, even though I am. I had to keep a neutral face as I thought about how to get it to work to keep everyone from asking questions. Then Lexy came back, so I picked up Chucky as the police officer led us to the kitchen. "Why don't you leave him out there?" The officer asked.

"Hi I'm Chucky and I'm your friend 'til the end. Hidey-ho ha ha ha" Chucky said.

"You heard the doll, he's a friend," I said coldly. He took a double take both at the doll talking and my tone.

He took out a recording device and hit record before asking "what happened?"

"Jake's aunt died yesterday so we came over to support him. While we were in his room we heard a crash, we thought it was his cousin coming home so we ignored it. But the lights were still off after 10 minutes so we got curious and went to check. There we found Devon's mom at the bottom of the stairs lying unconscious" I said.

"Funny enough that's almost word for word what the other three said. Almost like it was rehearsed" the cop said.

"Or because that's what happened" I snapped. "Do you have any more questions that I need to answer?" I asked.

"How long have you been friends with them?" He asked.

"About a week, I just moved here recently," I said.

"How well do you know them?" He asked.

"Pretty well, three of us lost at least one parent to a tragic accident" I answered.

"One more question and then I'll let you go. Where are the adults of the house located right now?" He asked.

"Jake's uncle and cousin are at the funeral home, as I previously stated his aunt died yesterday so they are making sure everything is good for the funeral on Monday. We came here so Jake wouldn't be alone while his remaining family members were gone out to mourn the loss of their wife and mother, he didn't want to intrude as he has also lost his mom and recently his father" I answered.

"Okay, I'll let you get back to your friends. If we have any more questions we'll contact you" he said and stopped recording. I took out my phone and sent a message to Leah 'Hey I'm ready to be picked up' I hit send. I left the room and went back to everyone. "Come on Paul we're done but we should bring Devon as he has no one to pick him up right now," he said as he walked into the room. Devon stood up and slowly walked out the door leaving Jake, Lexy and me in the house.

"I should probably start walking home, there is only 10 minutes until the curfew starts," Lexy said as she got up and left, leaving only me and Jake in the house.

"Hey Jake, did you ever call Andy back?" I asked as I sat on the couch next to him.

"Uh... Yeah" Jake said.

"How many times?" I asked.

"Twice, the first time I was wondering what I could do to end Lakeshore, he asked where I was located so I told him Hackensack. The second time was yesterday when Devon and I met at Lexy's house after school to ask how to find Chucky" Jake said.

"It's a good thing that there's an adult that knows about Lakeshore," I said.

"Yeah," Jake said.

"I'm gonna go wait outside for Leah for some fresh air," I said as I stood up. I waved bye to Jake and left the house. I sat on the front steps waiting for Leah to come, I didn't dare talk to Chucky in case Jake happened to overhear us. I got the fishing line from Chucky's overalls and said "I'm sorry about that, couldn't have the cops questioning us on why there was fishing line around the house." After waiting five minutes outside Leah pulled up so I got in the back seat and buckled myself and Chucky in.

"How was your night?" Leah asked.

"It was okay," I said.

"What happened?" Leah asked, I looked at Chucky so he can give me an answer, he tapped my leg once.

"Devon's mom died, she tripped down the stairs in a freak accident, she broke her neck, and the police questioned us before taking Devon" I answered.

"My goodness," Leah said after that it was quiet. We pulled into the house so I unbuckled myself then Chucky and got out of the vehicle. We went inside and I went straight downstairs. It was almost 9 now so I placed Chucky in my room, got my pjs and went to the bathroom to put them on. Once they were on I brushed my teeth before heading back to my room.

I sat on the bed on my phone until I saw a message from Junior 'Hey Maya what's you doing?' so I typed a reply 'Not much just watching tv, what about you?' I hit send and placed my phone down. "What's your plan for Junior?" Chucky asked.

"It's between Jake and his father. He hates both of them, but I don't think that either have pushed him far enough yet. So I plan to nudge him tomorrow, and for Charles to push him over the edge when Junior meets him as it does have to be him to convince Junior to kill. I'm just going to put the idea there" I said. I felt my phone vibrate but I left it alone as it's rude to be distracted during a conversation.

"Do you trust me?" Chucky asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do Chucky, you haven't given me a reason not to" I said.

"That's good to know," Chucky stated.

"Can we trust Charles?" I asked.

"I do and unless you do anything to piss him off you should be fine," Chucky said.

"I did up another drawing," I said as I put my art book from my bag, I flipped to the page in question.

It was a picture where there were 6 rows of good guy dolls, 2 females on a couch, Charles on a table, Junior sitting on the other side of the couch and Devon tied to a chair with tape over his mouth. "I gotta say doll, whatever your gift is it's pretty impressive. This is Tiffany and Nica, the female that I took over in the asylum" Chucky said.

"Then we should be careful around them, we need Tiffany but she's in love with Nica," I said and showed him the other picture Tiffany has Nica tied to a chair with tape covering her mouth with a lipstick print on it.

I could feel his anger. "That slut" Chucky snapped. I stood up and opened the window knowing that Chucky wanted out, he got off the bed and gave me a nod before leaving.

I finally checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Junior 'Not much just got back from the funeral home, my father started drinking as soon as we entered the house. I can't wait to see you tomorrow' so I typed back 'Neither can I, what time should I come over?' I hit send, and within a few minutes, I had a reply 'Let's say 2, dad will probably be at the bar by then' so I sent 'Ok, see you at 2. I'm gonna work on some schoolwork and then head to bed, good night Junior' I got off the bed, plugged my phone in, and I put some pjs on.

It was 10 so I did some homework as I'm probably not going to school on Monday or if I do I'll leave early. As I worked on it, time seemed to fly by as it was almost 12 the next time I looked at the clock, so I put my school work away and got in bed with Terry. After who knows how long I was finally able to fall asleep.

I was startled awake around 2 as Chucky came back but I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell right back to sleep as I felt a small almost non-existent dip in the bed as Chucky climbed in.

Friends Til' The EndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ