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Chucky picked up the remote and turns on the news. 

"We are standing out here on the scene of a four-car pile-up where three of the seven people have died, the other four are seriously injured and at Hackensack hospital. The cause of the accident is still under investigation. Back to you James," the news reporter said, "in other words, we have a suspect in custody for the recent murders that have plagued our small town. The suspect in question is a Perry Middle school biology teacher Rachel Fairchild. She is being charged with three counts of first-degree murder, and four counts of manslaughter. More on that in the coming da-." 

There was a knock, I looked at Chucky, he put the tv on mute and stood up. I stood up, picked Chucky up and he went into doll mode. I made my way to the front door wondering who would be knocking this late at night. As I opened the door there stood two police officers, a male and a female, they took their hats off looking sad, "Maya Williams?" The male officer asked, I nodded "your parents were in a serious accident. Your father died on scene and your mother is in the hospital. Do you have anyone who can care for you while your mother is in the hospital?"

"No, um we just moved here last week, and today was my first day at school," I said. I completely went blank not knowing what to do, I can't believe my father is dead.

"Do you know why your parents were out past curfew?" The female officer asked.

"They went to the next town over to grab some things that I needed for school, they left earlier in the day as I was doing school work so they just let me be. They left around 6," I answered.

"Well, we are going to take you to a group home for the night and hopefully tomorrow we'll have a foster home for you. You will stay there until your mother gets out of the hospital and is feeling well enough to care for you. Now I want you to go pack a bag," the female officer said.

"Okay, why don't you come in while I get ready," said. I backed up allowing them into the house and I went to my room. I grabbed a suitcase and put a mix of shirts, pants, pjs, and undergarments in it from my dresser. Then I grabbed my charger, before moving to the bathroom, I grabbed my toothbrush, my pack of pads and my hairbrush. I went back to my room where Chucky and Terry were, I placed Terry in the suitcase and grabbed Chucky and went downstairs where the cops were.

"Is there anyone else over?" The male cop asked, I got slightly nervous at the question.

"No, why do you ask?" I asked.

"'Cause there's two plates with food on them," the female cop said.

"Oh, that... Um, I was rationing what I would eat. May I get your names?" I asked changing the subject.

"Sorry about that, I'm Charlie and this is my partner Emma," the male cop Charlie said.

"Hello, I'm Chucky and I'll be your friend 'til the end. Hidey-ho ha ha ha," Chucky said.

"May I bring the meatballs? So that way they don't go to waste," I asked.

"Sure I don't see why not," Emma said. I left my suitcase in the living room and went to the kitchen with Chucky, I placed Chucky on the counter as I packed the rest of the Swedish meatballs into a tupperware container, I put the lid on, grabbed a knife and put it in my waistband.

Chucky looked at me weird 'protection' I mouthed, and he nodded. I picked him up and went to the living room with the three containers. I put the two plates of meatballs in two different containers and put the lid on them. I grabbed my book bag and threw the containers in it. "Okay, we're ready to go," I said. They nodded and took my suitcase while I took Chucky and my bookbag. Charlie got in the driver's seat and opened the trunk.

Emma put my suitcase in the back while I got in the back seat. I placed my bag on the floor and put Chucky in the middle seat. Once I buckled Chucky in and then myself Emma got in and then we took off to the group home.

It was late, almost 10 o'clock when we finally pulled into the group home where I would be staying. As I got out four females and two males came out. "Hey Alice, thanks for taking her," Emma said.

"No problem Emma. Hi sweetie, I'm Alice and these are Brayden, Joshua, Harley, Kyra and Bree," Alice said pointing to each of the kids.

"Hi, I'm Maya and this is Chucky," I said. That's when Charlie pulled out my suitcase and gave it to me. "Can I go to my room?" I asked. Alice nodded and motioned for me to follow her, all five of the kids went inside, so I did. The house was pretty boring; everything was an off-white open floor plan, one floor. She brought me down a hallway that was attached to the entranceway. The hallway had two doors on each side. At the end of the hallway was another one that had three doors on the left. She brought me to the third door.

"This will be your room until they find a more permanent placement for you," Alice said.

"Do you allow music to play out loud?" I asked.

"Yes, as long as it's off by 11, that way everyone can get a goodnight's sleep," Alice answered.

"Thank you. I should be fine for now" I stated. She turned around and left back to the main part of the house. Once she left I opened the door and like the rest of the house, it was bland. I took the knife out from my waistband as I closed the door with the door closed I looked around the room, right next to the door was a white four-door dresser, the bed looked like a double with three pillows both the sheet and pillowcases were grey, there was a white bedside table with a beige lamp on it. I placed my phone on the dresser and played some music. I walked around to the other side of the bed playing with the knife, as I sat down. "Chucky, did you have anything to do with the accident?" I asked, not bothering to look up as I played with the knife.

"Now why in the hell would I do that?" Chucky snapped at me.

"I dunno," I said meekly.

"Listen, kid. I like what we have going, so why the fuck would I screw that up?" Chucky asked.

"I don't know," I said, I stopped playing with the knife but kept my head down. I got up and opened the bookbag and grabbed the containers of meatballs, "want some?" I asked Chucky.

Chucky's face lit up when I showed him the container. "Yes," Chucky said, so I passed him his container and then opened my suitcase and grabbed Terry. I sat back down on the bed and took three meatballs from my container. I put it in my mouth as I lay on the bed. Chucky looked happy, it was nice since a lot of the time he looked annoyed. He looked over at me, "what?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said and looked away blushing.

"Okay then, anyway can you open the window?" Chucky asked. So I got up and opened the window, then he got up and left. I turned off the music as it was getting close to 11 and left the room with Terry and the three containers.

I went to the living room where I felt like I would find Alice and I was right, Alice was on the couch watching tv. "Is there anywhere I can put this where no one will touch it?" I asked, referring to the Swedish meatballs.

"Yes, we can put it in the staff office to keep the other kids from touching it," Alice said.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Come on, I'll show you," Alice said, so I followed her down the hallway. "This is the office where we'll keep that and the door next to it is the bathroom," she said pointing to the two doors on the right of the first hallway. I gave her the containers, she unlocked the office, and I went to my room to grab my toothbrush to brush my teeth for the night. Once my teeth were brushed I went back to my room, closed the door, put my pjs on and got into the bed and fell asleep with my face nestled into Terry.

Friends Til' The EndOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz