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I woke up in the hospital to the annoying sound of the heart monitor beeping. "Hello Maya my name is Doctor Lang and you're in the hospital, now I want to ask some questions and I want you to answer them honestly can you do that?" He asked. I nodded, "did your boyfriend do this to you?" He asked, I didn't correct him as I don't know what they told them, it's better safe than sorry, and if that means to them that Junior is my boyfriend than I'll let them believe that.

"Who? Junior? No, he would never hurt me. I cut my hand after I dropped the knife and tried to grab it like an idiot, as for my forehead and neck I was self-experimenting with a form of body art called scarification. Everything was sterile, where's Chucky?" I asked.

"Who?" Dr. Lang asked, confused.

"My doll, he has red hair, a striped shirt and blue overalls. Where is he?" I asked.

"He's with Junior right now, he didn't want to leave him here. Are you suicidal?" Dr. Lang asked.

"No, I love my life," I said.

"One more question and then I'll let your boyfriend in, are you being abused?" Dr. Lang asked.

"No," I said then the doctor opened the door, Junior with Chucky and Tiffany with Charles come in.

"You should be fine to go soon, we are just waiting to get your labs back and if all comes back normal you can leave," he said and left, closing the door behind him.

"Maya thank god you're okay," Junior said.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily," I said with a smile.

"You scared us, kid," Chucky said as Junior placed him on the bed after Tiffany closed the curtains.

"I'm fine, I'm alive but dying ain't so bad," I said.

"What do you mean?" Junior asked.

"The feeling that I felt was nice, almost comforting" I explained, "but that could be because I wasn't scared."

"Hey kid, I'm sorry about going so far," Charles said.

"I asked for it and I'm sure Junior got the message," I said.

"I told you I didn't need to apologise," Charles said and despite everything, I laughed.

"You okay kid?" Chucky asked.

"I'm great. Who told you to apologise?" I asked.

"I did," Chucky said, "we had an agreement that he could only punish you if he didn't make you scream, which is why I called an end, but I promise you Maya he will not touch you again."

"Okay," I said but inside I was happy knowing that I mean something to him, it may not be as much as he means to me but it's something. I wanted to stand up but the iv bag and the wires were still hooked up to me.

"We brought your needle," Tiffany said and passed me the now filled needle.

"Thank you," I said as I took the needle and put it under the blanket as there was a knock on the door, Chucky sat down on the bed as the door opened.

"Maya your labs came back good, now we need to unhook you and you can leave," he said, walked over and took everything off of me.

Once everything was off the doctor left, Junior picked up Chucky "how are you doing Junior? How's your head?" I asked.

"I'm fine you're the one that almost died Maya" Junior said, "but my head does hurt."

"Take some Tylenol as aspirin are blood thinners and if you start to bleed it can get dangerous. It'll feel better in a few days," I said with a smile as I left the bed. I put the needle in my boot so no one could see it. "Now let's go see my mom," I said and left the room.

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