Chapter 5

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He was excited. Despite going those God knows how many times, he was existed. Because this was going to be his first ball in this life and was going to be first impression countries will be getting of him. First impression was very important. He didn't disgrace himself in his first life but he admitted that he was a little naive. He didn't think Byzantine would talk about him to other countries. He could guess what he said now: " One of the children of Seljuk. Just a small seignory but a complete truoblemaker"

While getting dressed, he thought about if he should hide his wings or not. He used to hide his wings while going to balls. He did that to give himself a serious aura but now he saw that it was pointless. He had hidden his wings when one of them got terribly injured till it got healed, and after because he thought it was damaging his seriousness stoickness. He was not going to hide them anymore. Surely they were going to get a lot of attention, but he had learned ignoring curious looks.

He have braided his long black hair like he used to did. He didn't want to cut them this time. It looked good on him. Actually he was not aware but he looked very handsome. He took a brush and started to brush his wings.


When he came, half of the ballroom was already full. But he wasn't late. Balls which every country joined were established. The countries who haven't established yet could join if their parents country let them. A invite would appear on every countries table and when the ball date come, that invite would bring them to the country where the ball was happening. No one knew why the balls happen or what was organising them. Now he knows. Or he thinks he knows. His father never  brought him to one but Seljuk usually wouldn't join them himself anyways. He thought they were useless. The main reason of those were meeting countries and having fun, but you could talk business with a country if you want to. Bringing weapons were forbidden. Usually people did not had fights.

Ottomans moved towards the doors. After greeting the soldiers guarding the doors, he entered and moved towards the main room Music and talking sounds were coming from inside. When he entered, he saw Byzantine talking with another country. A few countries looked at the newcomer, and turned their heads back when they couldn't regonise him. He slowly walked to an empty table and started to look around. He regonised Holy Roman Empire immediately. It was hard to not regonise him with that huge black wings on his back. He saw some of his siblings. Although he wanted a lot to talk to them, it was better that he did not for now.

He didn't drink a lot when he was younger in his other life, so he didn't know how much resistence he had to alcohol. So he wasn't planning to get drunk. While drinking his fruit juice, country came next to him. He regonised him. He looked young. He greeted.

"Hello l am Poland-Latvia Commonwealth. Nice to meet you."

He uzattı his hand

"I am Ottomans Seignory. You did this like that right?

He shook Poland's hand.

"Yes, like that. You are new too?"

"Yes, this is my first ball. My father told me about them but..."

They started to talk. They were talking about random things at first but then their subject had changed

"Where's country are you?"

"I am not established yet. My mother Kingdom of Poland brought me here."

"I am a Seignory established in Anatolia. I used to be an seignory of my father, Seljuk Empire."

"Is he here?"

"He passed away. Mongolians attacked."

Poland-Latvia realised Ottomans eyes was a little dull.

"I didn't open a subject that was not meant to open. My apologies."

"It is fine."

"Mongolians? They attacked to my mother too...."

Poland-Latvia left after they talked for a while. He was alone again. He smiled. He saw Byzantine when he turned his head. If it was old Ottomans Seignory, he would be put off, even would get a little irritated, now he only felt somber. He had become close friends with Byzantine and now he could understand him. While he was taking more and more land, Byzantine felt what he had felt when he was collapsing. Byzantine never told him about this but Ottomans was sure that was one of the reasons why they had gotten close.

He was most likely to collapse him. He was still going to kill his siblings. He had to take over his siblings countries to bring all Turks together. They caused him to fight Timurid Empire by betraying him. He really didn't want to do it but he couldn't see any other way.

He sighed. Byzantine had came next to him. He was staring at him a little derogatorily. He suddenly spoke:

"Were you the one who threw an apple through my window?"

Ottomans froze. Did he do that? Yeah, he did that. It was written on his diary too, he did that. Byzantine didn't asked that in his first life! "Why did l do that?" He thought. When he was younger....he was like that.


"Byzantine didn't say anything. He left."

"That was close" he thought. He went to take something to eat from the dish table, he was hungry. He talked with a country that was there too. He returned to his table."

He didn't saw that a few countries were staring at him while he was talking with Venice.

It was pretty late so he decided to go. While leaving he saw Poland-Latvia and his Mother Kingdom of Poland. He said goodbye to them after Poland-Latvia introduced him to his mother and he took out his invite outside of the Ballroom. He was in his room.

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