Ch. 6: Fairs and Louds??

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Rita: So any idea where your dad's at?

Me: He went to go pick up a Cane's tailgate, he should be back in a few... So...

Lynn Sr: We understood you heard a lot about what my daughters did to our son, but another reason why it feels crazier... Raising 11 kids at once feels like you're going through a hellscape.

Me: You know what, I actually see that happening... Parenting does get harder when raising more kids, but that's your lifestyle, so you chose to raise 11 kids, I know you'd want it changed anything soon but it's who you are... We all can't change our past, I just wish I had been more wrong than ever.

Rita: What do you mean?

Mom: He went through a lot of heartbreak, anger, and just didn't want to look on the brighter side of things...

Me: Quarantine made me the monster i am today... Every one of my family got sick last December except for me, once that happened I thought I wanted to destroy or strangle something... Another story, there was a lot of profanity in high school... I wanted to stop it whenever I was in my freshman year or my sophomore year, but I keep hearing it every day and I just... I don't know, I used to call people who would use profanity "Counterproductive monkeys," that day I never wanted to hear profanity again, I got suspended but it was a brighter side that I got to bond with my dad more, it started to make me think being suspended wasn't so bad, but I didn't think of any more ideas to get me more suspended than ever. There was a story worse than that, it was fourth grade... I was playing two hand touch football with some other people, This guy named "Robert Maxwell" he would always push me down on the ground, I just wanted to punch him so bad, I did, also I didn't know that a teacher spotted me doing it so I went over, but I got blindsided plowed into the mulch... I did not know how much trouble I was in that day or how much trouble he was in that day. I hated that guy ever since...

Rita: Must have been really rough.

Mom: Especially for his siblings, they wanted to comfort him, but they decided to let it play out and get it out.

Me: and they were not wrong to do that.

Lynn Sr: Well... How did you get your powers?

Me: Multiverse travel, Lisa would have said it's physically impossible, But here I am... I never told anyone else how I got them other than my parents, I promise them I would use my powers for good and not for domination. Trust me if your sisters have these powers, It would be a whole another story.

Lynn Sr: Agreed.

Rita: Do you know how many people you save?

Me: Not really, I only save who asks me to be there, and once I am I save everyone... The faith and glory is fine and all, but a quote I learned from somewhere... Being a hero doesn't mean taking care of yourself, it means taking responsibility for other people.

Rita: That was not a bad quote, a presidential election quote?

Dad: No Ma'am, That's a fair family special.

Me: Oh Dad, You're back!

Dad: Couldn't help but listen to the conversation.

Lynn Sr: Your son is a natural.

Dad: Thanks, Let's just say sometimes he is a slow learner.

Me: It's true, Let's get some lunch.

*When we came out of the office we then saw Leni And Rachel fighting, Plus Noah and Lisa Bickering*

Me: *sigh* This is gonna be a long day... *I loudly pound the table to get their attention*

Rita: What the heck did i just say?

*Everybody started overlapping talking and arguing, I rushed up got my megaphone, turned the volume all the way up, and set the setting to "alarm" making everybody jump, including Lily fussing a bit, luckily Lincoln quick to act soothed Lily*

Me: Now, Raz, Noah, Girls, dad is back with the tailgate, most of you will be okay to eat outside if you'd like. Mr. And Mrs. Loud you guys can speak to your daughters...

*Rachel and Noah came over and got their food*

Lynn Sr: We don't want to make anything else uncomfortable, so is it okay if us (the loud family), except for Lincoln and Lily, eat outside?

Mom: It should be okay.

Rita: Thanks by the way I want to thank your son for having us stay over for lunch.

Me: Anytime, preferably in future events when the girls are more mature, no offense, nothing personal.

Rita: None taken completely understand.


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