Chapter.9: Laurent

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5 hours later at Hospital....

Larry's POV

All day I never left my brother side thinking if I step out for one second he would die.
Doctors would come in and out making sure he was OK, they told me that Lau was in a coma because when he fell he hit is head hard on the ground.
I tried hard to be strong for him because since he was there for me Ima be there for him.
I started pacing back in forth in the room waiting for the next doctor to come in and tell me when my brother would wake up.
The door opened causing me to jump out of my thoughts and I ran to the doctor hoping he had some good news.

Larry: so is my brother gonna be OK?!

Doc: yeah he'll be fine with but....

Larry: but what!

Doc: but we don't know when he'll wake up. It could take minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or he might not wake up ever. I'm sorry Larry*Doctor looks down and leaves room but stops and turns around* you can always pull the pl -

Larry: No! Get out! And don't ever come to me with some BS like that again!

Doc: okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything*leaves room*

I started to let all the tears that I've been holding back and let them fall, my heart shattered at the doctor words saying that he might not ever wake up.
I make my way over to Lau's body and held his hand, he looked like life has been sucked out of him.
What hurt the most was that I never got a chance to tell him I loved him or even showed him as much as he showed me.
I got down to his level and whispered in his ear "I love you bro" I got up still holding his hand and cried a little pond around me.
Soon it was time for me to go and as I make my way over to grab my phone my hand was stuck"What the".
I looked over to see that my hand was stuck to Lau's hand.
OK now I was freaking out, I tried to get my hand loose but his grip just got tighter and tighter than I heard a voice.
I went to Lau and put my ear to his lips but nothing.
Maybe I was going crazy but this time I heard it again and got even closer and what happened next made me pee my pants.

Lau's POV

I woke up to the sound of beeping and it was really getting on my nerves. I then realized I was in the hospital and every thing came back to me.
I felt someone's hand touch mine than I heard a whisper "I love you bro" I knew right away that it was Larry and I can't believe he never left my side.
To brighten up the mood I held onto Larry's hand and started whispering making him get scared.
When he finally got close enough to my lips I yelled in his ear.


Larry screamed like a little girl and fell to the ground holding onto his heart breathing hard and fast.
I sat up and started laughing at him but what made me laugh even more was the fact the he peed his pants.
Larry gave me a evil glare and than smiled.
He got up and wrapped a shirt around his waist....wait that's my shirt!
I looked at Larry and crossed my arms pouting but I couldn't help but smile when he ran over to me and hugged me so tight.
It kind of hurt a little but the pain slowly went away the longer Larry hugged me.

Larry: O my gosh Lau! I'm so happy that your OK! I don't know what I'll do without you! I thought I lost you. *holds back tears*

Lau:*smiles* I thought I lost you too.

*doctor walks into room and smiles*

Doc: oh good your up.

Larry: when is he aloud to leave?

Doc: well I went over his test results and it says that nothing else is wrong sooo he can leave either today or tomorrow.

Lau and Larry: Today!!!

Doc: OK well I'll sign you out so your free to go*leaves room*

Larry:*smiles at Lau* I'll help you out.

Lau: Thank you....LarBear *laughs and gets dressed*

*Johnny walks into room*

Lau:Uh Larry who is that? *points to Johnny*

Larry:*laughs* its a long story.

15 minutes later in car....

Larry's POV

On the way back home I told Lau about Johnny and at first Lau was mad considering on what Johnny did to me but than he smiled and hugged Johnny telling him thanks.
Me and Lau decided to take Johnny because his dad was in jail and his mom was also in jail for putting  Johnny up to the whole plan.
I remember when I said how I wouldn't care of Lau got hurt and was in the hospital but after today I realized I was WRONG big time.
I never knew how much I'll miss my brother if he died but I'll probably end up in jail for killing Kevin, man I love my brother and for now on I'm going to show him as much as possible .
I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt Lau tap me, I looked at him and saw him smiling.

Lau: I love you too bro*smirks*

How did he.....ughh whatever I just looked at him and Johnny and hugged them both and that's when we all started crying but this time for a good reason. *smiles*

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