Chapter 30 - Baby sister or a Baby brother

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General's provide

It has been a week since Tracy found out that she was pregnant again and she was going to tell the unit but first she was going to find out weather if it's going to be a boy or a girl she really want a girl and so did Jesse and Amber

" Guys I'm going to the clinic I'll be right back." Tracy said
" You want me too come with you?" Jesse asked
" No that's ok and anyway amber needs her father." Tracy said making Jesse smile
" Ok, I love you." Jesse said but something was awkward
" Umm me too, bye Amber." Tracy said
" Bye mommy!." Amber said as Tracy closed the door and Jesse was confused (Why didn't she say it back she always say it back)

!! At the clinic !!

When Tracy got too the clinic she was thinking .
( Maybe Jesse doesn't love me anymore
Or maybe he thinks that in I'm not good enough)
While she was thinking she got out of the car as she had her hands on her stomach and walked inside of the clinic... She was pregnant again...
" Tracy Martin Soffer." The doctor called as she got up and went inside
" So how's your day been going?" The doctor asks
" It's going ok, can I see the gender?" Tracy asked
" Yes of course, just give me one moment." The doctor said as she went back out
( One minute later)
" Alright the gender results came back in." The doctor said
" And what is it?" Tracy asks
" It's a girl." The doctor said and Ms Soffer couldn't believe it
" Really I'm actually going to have another girl." Tracy asks
" Yes it looks like it." The doctor said
" Thank you so much, have a great day." Tracy said as she left
" You too." The doctor said as she went back to work...

( Back at home )

While Jesse was watching Amber sleeping, he wonder why Tracy didn't say I love you back, while he was thinking he heard the front door open and as a light frown came too his face as she said...
" What's wrong?" She asked him
" You didn't say I love you back to me when you left." Jesse said sadly
" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." Tracy said
" Don't you love me?" Jesse asked heartbroken
" Babe of course I love you with all of my heart." Tracy said
" Ok, I love you." Jesse said
" I love you more Mr Soffer." Tracy said making him chuckle
" So what did the clinic said?" Jesse asked
" We have another girl." Tracy said
" What are you sure?" Jesse asked
" Yes I am sure, we should name our baby." Tracy said
" Yeah uh I always wanted too name a girl Britney." Jesse said
" That's a beautiful name Jess." Tracy said
" Really?" He asked
" Yes really." Tracy said as they saw Amber started too wake up
" Mommy." Amber said
" Hi baby, guess what." She said
" What?" Amber asked
" Your going to have a sister." Jesse said
" What really, with a name." Amber said
" Yes Britney Courtney Soffer." Tracy said
" Yay yay yay yay." Amber said
" I love you guys so much." Jesse said
" I love you too husband." Tracy said
" I love you too Daddy." Amber said
" And little britney loves you too." Tracy said as she putted her hand on her stomach as they watched tv shows....

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