chapter 16 - Years have gone by fast

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General's provide

It was already July and their daughters birthday is coming up soon and they want too make it special because she's special .

" Dadda, dadda, dadda." Amber said walking over to her father who was cooking dinner
" Yes yes and yes baby girl what is it?" Jesse asks
" It's it my birthday yet?" She asks making her father chuckle
" Nope in the next four weeks." Jesse said as he heard his daughter groaned making him laugh
" Why can't it be today?" Amber asks
" Because you weren't born on July 2, you were born on July the 13th not the 2nd." Jesse explained
" Hey guys." Tracy said as she came threw the front door when she got off of work
" Mama is it true was I born on July the 13th?" Amber asks
" Yes you where! Who told you that?" Tracy asks her daughter who pointed out to her father
" Ok it was me I told her she asked if today was her birthday and I told her no." Jesse said making his wife nod
" Alright it's almost here four more weeks and then you'll be 4 years old." Tracy said
" Yay." Amber said as they laughed
" How was your day?" Jesse asks
" It was kinda acting, marina wished that you came into work today." Tracy said making Jesse frown
" Why?" Jesse asks
" Oh cause she was going to ask if we can go on a double date with her and Patrick." Tracy said making his eyes shocked as surprised
" Is it today or tomorrow?" Jesse asks while still shocked
" I think it's tomorrow. But she just wanted to check in with you to make sure if we want to go." Tracy explained
" I will go if only you would go." Jesse said
" But what about amber?" Tracy asks
" Don't worry I'll have Amy or someone from the district babysitting her." Jesse said
" Alright I'm going." Tracy said
" Ok I'll text marina after dinner and tell her that where going tomorrow night are you sure it's tomorrow??" Jesse asks
" Yes I'm sure it's tomorrow." Tracy said
" Ok, amber time for dinner." Jesse said
" Okay." Amber said as she came too the table
" So sweetie me and daddy are going out tomorrow night with aunt marina and uncle Patrick but don't worry will have someone from the district too watch you while we're out." Tracy started
" But if we get back we can do something fun with you and I'm pretty sure that aunt marina and uncle Patrick will want to come over after it too, so can you please be on your best behavior?" Jesse asks his daughter who nodded
" Yes dadda I can be on my best behavior, but what if something happens to me and the babysitter isn't their our you and momma?" Amber asks
" Than you call grandpa Jason and grandma Amy if we can't get to you if you call us." Tracy said
" Ok I will, so who will my babysitter will be??" Amber asks
" Now that is a surprise you'll have to wait until tomorrow night." Jesse said
" Ok, I sleepy can I sleep in my bed?" Amber asks making them chuckle
" Sure come on say goodnight to dadda." Tracy said
" Goodnight dadda love you." Amber said as she hugged her father
" Goodnight my sweet girl I love you too." Jesse said as he kissed her forehead and amber went back to her mother and they walked into her room
" Goodnight sweetheart." Tracy said
" Goodnight mama I love you." Amber said
" I love you too Amber Katherine Soffer. Sweet dreams." Tracy said making her daughter smile and went too sleep after she falls asleep Tracy returned too the living room
" We can watch a movie until we fall a sleep?" Jesse asks
" Sure, have you texted marina?" Tracy asks
" I'll do it right now." Jesse said as he got out his phone

( Phone text with Marina and Jesse)

Marina - Hey Jesse
Jesse - hey marina we are free tonight so will drive to your house
Marina - alright perfect who's watching amber?
Jesse - I think I'll have Sophia watch..
Marina - oh that's awesome
Jesse - see you tomorrow
Marina - are you coming into work tomorrow??
Jesse - yes. Amber's finally going back to school tomorrow
Marina - tell her that she has an awesome day..
Jesse - I will bye see you at work tomorrow
Marina - bye Jesse love you big brother chuckles
Jesse - love you too squirt...
( End text message of Marina and Jesse)
" So?" Tracy asks
" Where going." Jesse said making her smile
" Jesse Lee Soffer you are the best boyfriend, best husband, and best friend a girl can ask for I love you Jesse Lee Soffer so much." Tracy said
" And you are the best girlfriend, best friend, best wife and best partner a guy can ask for I love you more Tracy Martin Soffer." Jesse said and they kissed and continue to watch the movie before they doss off...

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