chapter 20 - Save our little girl

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It's been two hours sense Sophia's phone call, and they already got the money & Their on their way too her basement she kept Amber Katherine Soffer.....

" Guys, this is the basement that Sophia's keeping amber." Marina said

" Alright let's go save her." Jason said as they got rolled into their cars and trucks and head too their location...

( At the basement)

" I want my mommy and daddy." Amber said
" And you think I care?" Sophia asks
" CHICAGO PD LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS NOW!!" Tracy said as she raised her gun
" Mommy." Amber said as she ran too her as fast as she could
" Oh my baby girl are you ok?" Tracy asks
" Yes I'm ok." Amber said
" You need to be honest with me are you ok?" Tracy asks again
" No! My stomach hurts when she tied the rope hard while I was sitting in the chair when uncle Patrick called." Amber said crying while Tracy picked her up
" Sophia Anna bush, your under arrested for kidnapping and almost murdering the daughter of Jesse Lee and Tracy Martin Soffer." Amy said as other police officers came to arrest her and the mother and daughter walked out too see her father
" DADDY!." Amber said shouting and Jesse ran too pick her up and said
" Oh my god, I missed you soo much I'm sorry that I made Sophia babysit you and than kidnapped you I didn't know she would do that, again I'm so sorry babygirl." Jesse said
" Daddy! It's not your fault." Amber said
" But it is though." Jesse said
" Jesse, Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean your daughter isn't going to love you anymore." Marina said
" And I still love you daddy." Amber said
" Aww I love you too babygirl." Jesse said
" Alright let's go to the hospital." Larcoyce said
" And next time I'll pick you or Jason." Jesse said to Larcoyce who nodded
" Cool." Larcoyce said as they walked into the car and drove off too the hospital...

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