Chapter 21 - Hospital visit

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When Tracy, Jesse, and their team made it to the hospital they already got Amber a room sit to go.

" Mama, dada." Amber said as she saw her parents who smiled
" Hey my little girl, how are you?" Jesse asks his daughter
" Not that well but I'll get their." Amber said
" Did Sophia did this to you?" Tracy asks
" Yes and I don't wanna see her again." Amber said while staring at her parents eyes
" Don't worry you won't, mommy and daddy has a plan." Jesse said and their was a knock on the door
" Hello?" Tracy said
" Hi I'm here to check on amber." Torrey said
" Oh ok come in I thought you was Sophia." Tracy said
" No! I hate Sophia." Torrey said
" I though you guys we're friends?" Jesse asks
" Yeah but before your guys wedding came a long she started getting mean and grotche so I don't listen to her anymore." Torrey said making them nodded
" Mama dadda, whenever I get released can Aunt Torrey and uncle Nick come over?" Amber asks
" Sure if their free." Jesse said as they laughed
" Ha ha ha very funny Jesse. Sure we would love to come over." Nick said as he made his entrance into Amber's room....
" Aren't you guys married yet?" Tracy asks one of them
" No!." Both of them said
" Oh boy." Tracy and Jesse said at the same time
" I know it's been a month." Torrey said
" Uncle Nick and aunt Torrey getting married dadda?" Amber asks making him chuckle
" Not quite so babygirl." Jesse said
" I want to leave." Amber said
" Oh honey you can't, they have to watch you over night." Tracy said
" Look amber I know it's hard believe me, your daddy didn't like hospitals either." Nick said
" Yeah that's true." Jesse said
" When can I leave?" Amber asks
" In about two days." Torrey said
" How about I call the unit and we can all have dinner together?" Jesse suggested
" Yay, thank you Dada your the best." Amber said
" I though I was the best?" Tracy said
" Don't worry momma your still the best." Amber said making her smile
" Who's the best uncle?" Nick asks
" You and Patrick." Amber said
" And the best aunt?" Torrey said
" You and Marina." Amber said

When Jesse called the intelligence for dinner they all came rushing into Amber's room...

" Can uncle Patrick watch me next time?" Amber asks
" Sure baby anything you want." Jesse said as he kissed his daughters cheek
" I love you Jesse." Tracy said
" I love you too babygirl." Jesse said and they kissed
" Ew mommy and daddy." Amber said making them chuckle
" Don't worry you'll be doing something like this soon." Tracy said
" Ew no I won't." She said and the unit laughed

Trasse - Chicago pd Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon