chapter 29 - Just a normal day until....

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It has been a year since amber was kidnapped, her birthday, and most important mother's day it was now august of 2023 and Jesse has seen something odd with Tracy today....

" Hey Tracy are you ok?" Jesse asked
" Yes I'm ok thank you for checking." Tracy said
" You don't look so good, why don't you go and take a pregnancy test just too make sure." Jesse said making Tracy's head pop up quick but nodded

( A few hours later)

" Amber sweet can you come here please?" Tracy asked as a now 10 year old Amber Katherine Soffer came down the stairs
" Yes mom?" Amber asked
" We got something too tell you witch you might not gonna like." Jesse said
" Ok what is it?" Amber asks
" I'm pregnant." Tracy said
" Yay yay yay yay." Amber said Happily and they could not believe it
" Your not mad?" Jesse asked
" Are you kidding? Of course not I have always wanted a brother or sister, but your still gonna love and be their for me right?" Amber asks
" Of course, like we told you well always going to love you no matter what, life goes on forever baby girl just remember that." Jesse said
" Ok Daddy I love you guys." Amber said
" We love you to Amber Katherine Soffer ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️." Both of them said as they did a group hug

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