Unlocked Ending AU - Oneshot thats really long

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He tried to run away once, he could do it again.


Sophie was surprised when Mr. Forkle took her to his hobbit-hole-of-an-office. When he said 'celebrate the victories' this was not what she was expecting.

"What are we doing here?" She asked curiously. The only reply she got back was a hum. She decided to stay quiet. He must have a reason bringing me here she thought reasonably

Surprisingly, he pulled out an imparter, whispering something onto the cool metal before chugging an elixir. He turned back into Magnate Leto, quickly slicking his hair back.

Once the mysterious person answered, Sophie rolled her eyes. It was Juline.

While they discussed something quietly, Sophie leaned against the wall. That day had been a heck of a ride. Going from talking to Oralie about the caches to realizing they forgot about the lodestar symbol to talking to Glimmer to burning down the neverseen hideout, Sophie finally noticed how much had been going on lately.

Although you could have done more if you weren't waiting for Keefe to wake up Some part of her brain whispered, and even though she knew she could have done so much more with that time, she didn't regret a thing. Keefe was one of her friends, and he deserved all the time in the world and then some. Suddenly, Mr. Forkle turned to her.

"Lex and Bex manifested"

Sophie smiled. It was a funny thing, even though she had just got the biggest victory yet, the simplest things made her the happiest.

"Can I go visit them?" she asked

"Not quite yet. I need you to do something." Something about the way his face changed made Sophie stand up straight

"I need you to transmit to Keefe. Something went wrong at Elwin's house"

All traces of a smile left Sophie's face


Keefe knew Sophie would transmit to him at some point, but he didn't know it would be so soon.


Somehow, her mental voice conveyed her worry. Keefe opened up his mind to hers.

Sup Foster?

Keefe could feel her relief from Splendor Plains (Elwin had explained that they had moved him to a guest room)

What's wrong? Keefe hoped she didn't hear about his little... escape attempt.

I don't know, Sophie answered. Mr. Forlke just told me to transmit to you. What happened?

Keefe could feel Elwin's nervousness from behind the shelf. Oh, wait, Keefe realized faintly. That's my nervousness he realized he hadn't replied, so he gave a lame nothing much in return. Sophie's mental image finally got to him, and he could see the little crease between her eyebrows.

Give me a minute. She responded Mr. Forkle wants to talk to me

Keefe's eyes widened, but instead of shutting down their connection, Sophie noticed. Her eyebrows got even closer together (Keefe didn't know how she did it without accidentally breaking her face)

Keefe her mental voice sounded slower, and Keefe could feel his heart beating faster

Yeah? He answered, just as slow as her voice, smirking

What's wrong? She asked, with a peculiar look. For real now, Keefe. It would mean more to me if you told me

Keefe wished in that very moment he could disappear. Or crawl in a hole. Or hide in his blanket cocoon. But he couldn't, so he offered a simple nothing's wrong, hoping she wouldn't tell he was lying.

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