Indirect Talk - Part 3

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Alden gasped


Biana's eyes clouded with tears

"His memories are shattering," she said with an even voice, contradicting with her tears.

"He really thought you cared"

"But I did!" Alden exclaimed

Della popped her head into the room. Everyone turned to stare at her

"Okay, I'm out!" she said and disappeared again

They argued back and forth. The thing that got them to stop was Keefe's face in the doorway.

"Um, what's going on?" he asked confusedly

Fitz turned around, and before Alden could say anything, he asked Keefe;

"Why didn't you tell me about the talk about Sophie?"

Keefe sort of froze; he stood up straight and his eyes widened

"What talk?" 

Fitz squinted at him

"You know, the one before Alvar's trial?" he said slowly

"Oh. That one," Keefe was still super tense

"Dude, I'm not mad at you," Fitz told him "I'm just not sure why the freaking hell my dad went to my best friend's house to tell him to back off" halfway through his mini-rant, Fitz turned back to Alden and was glaring

"Oookay" Keefe said

"I came here to tell you Sophie fixed the explosions my brain was doing, "Keefe said, sort of squinting at Alden

"WHAT?" asked Alden, and everyone turned back to him

"You guys didn't tell him, did you," Asked Keefe, looking resigned

"Nope" Biana replied

Because i have no idea what to do with this story, I'm sort of cramming everything into way too little space. Also, sorry it took me so long to update this, i sort of lost interest and ignored it for a few weeks

future me says: btw props to the first thing that shows up when i searched up sokeefe angst when i was younger for the ideas. 


Cya qwerts


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