Indirect Talk - Part 1

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Alden was in his office checking his ElfMail when Keefe walked in.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked

"Sure," Alden said. once they reached the garden, Keefe spoke

"Listen, someone taught me what fathers are supposed to be like. Sure, Ca-." he cleared his throat

"Daddy Dearest isn't exactly perfect, but let's be real here, neither are you."

Alden raised an eyebrow

"No one's perfect," he said slowly, trying to gauge what was going on here

"That's true, but you're way farther than I expected. I found myself someone who cares and realized you didn't."

He ran a hand through his hair

"I'm sorry, but I have to understand, why did you make me promise to leave her alone. You seem intent to make sure I-Fitz was happy."

He looked away, and picked a flower from the grass, twirling it in my hand

"D-Alden." he sighed

"I can't keep being his best friend without telling Fitz. And you have to understand,  I didn't choose to have these feelings. If I could get rid of them, I would. In a heartbeat."

He met Alden's eyes again

"So why did you make me promise?"

Alden just kept his eyes trained on Keefe's

"Sophie, How many elixirs did you take?" Alden asked

The Mystery Boy let out a dry, bitter laugh, with no humor behind it

"Oh, You think I'm Sophie?" he growled

"You think I'm Sophie?" he said, louder

"Well keep guessing, because you got it wrong" he snarled, eyes flashing.

Alden's eyebrows scrunched up

"Dex?" he hedged

The Mystery Boy let out another brittle laugh

"You know what? Let's skip the introductions Dad"

"Biana?" Alden asked, flummoxed

"Guess again," Fitz said, feeling the elixirs fade

Alden gasped


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