Chapter 2.3

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A black convertible quickly turned into a driveway in front of a large white modern mansion with wall length windows looking over the valley below. Turning off the engine Athena stepped out of the car carrying a couple of boxes while muttering to herself fiercely.

Rushing through her door and into her living room, she dropped the stack boxes on the coffee table in front of her black leather couch before dropped herself on the couch bitterly looking at the pile of boxes.

She could not believe that she was legitly thinking about going forward with this plan. Athena was really proud of her body, especially how she could use it as a weapon to get what she wanted. But now to get what she wanted she had to make some alteration to it which made her frustrated to no end. It's not like this was the first time she encountered this kind of problem, but each time she found ways around them. But not this time, she can't find anything scandalous about him, can't find anything to bypass the system, and finally she did not have the right body to even swoon over him!

She continued to stare at the boxes with disguise as she questioned if she was really willing to sacrifice her body on a rumor. Was she really willing to get hefty just for the chance to get his position?


She snatched the top box and opened it to reveal several different kinds of candy bars. They were one of the products that the company made. Because she was an employee of them she was allowed to have as much as she wanted free of charge but she had never taken up on that offer. She never had a sweet tooth and she never had an interest in tasting anything that her company made. But now she is forced to eat such things if she ever wishes to achieve her goals.

She grabbed the closest bar which was a chocolate caramel bar. Slowly unwrapping it, starring at it for a few nervous moments, before she took a small bite. It was sweet, very sweet, so sweet she almost gagged.  She was not used to eating such sweet things, she prefers more bitter foods.

Slowly she ate the chewy bar until all that was left was the rapper. She held her stomach, not feeling too well, this was the most sugar she had ever hed. She then looked at the box, seeing that she only ate one bar out of 30 and she still had three more boxes to go. With a disappointed groan she reached for another bar to repeat the process.

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