Chapter 1.3

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Morning, and Athena was walking down to her first corporate meeting. She was so excited to size up her competition. Wearing her best red business dress, readjust it making sure that her best feature was on full display, she pushed the big wooden door to the boardroom.

Inside, to Athena's delight, was filled with mostly elderly businessmen. There were different animals from dogs, loins, and pigs. There were a few women but they were also all past their prime. She was the only one in this board who was below 40, well, except one.

Upon entering the room everyone turned to her reacting the way she wanted. The elder man looked at her with surprise and lust while the elderly woman looked at her in envy and jealousy. She could see not everyone was here, including the CEO, but that was to be expected, he always came last.

With a knowing smirk she walked to an open seat at the end of the long conference table, closest to the only person she wanted to sit next to, the one will power. Swaying her impressive hips, causing some of the old men to look away in embarrassment. Putting her tail through the hole in the back of the seat she sat down with pride and power.

It wasn't long before everyone else coming in filled up all of the seats, except for one. The room was filled with whispering as the executives waited for their president to arrive. 

Suddenly the room became silent as a grayish white wolf walked into the boardroom. He was a medium built wearing a black unbuttoned suit with matching pants carrying a black briefcase. He looked like he was in his late thirties.

He walked to the end of the conference room and sat down at the end of the table. Placing his briefcase on the table he took out over a dozen folders and handed them to the person next to him. 

Athena's eyes never left the wolf the moment he entered the boardroom. This was her target, her prey, her goal. It would not be easy but also he was the perfect target. A near middle age man that has no wife or kids. She needs to be at her best to finally achieve her dreams. 

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