"And I just know it will" I snapped.

"Who let you be the boss? You're too stupid for this game" he snapped back

I glared at him, really mad now, before storming off down the corridor.

"Yah where are you going?" He cried after me with a sudden change of voice, like he was almost a bit worried.

"To find the key" I said with anger and determination.

"You're just hopeless" he muttered after me, but he still had a hint of worry in his voice.

I snorted. He dares to worry about me in this fight? Pathetic.

"You don't have to come, you stay here, you can look for the others and team up with them instead, if they're so much smarter" I sneered at him, keeping the pace up as I was marching forward.

My instinct was to look trough the janitors closet. Weren't janitors usually the ones taking care of such stuff?

But how would I know, my high school didn't have the luxury of a coke vending machine. We could go to the closest convenience store after school.

I searched around until I saw a door with 'Janitor' written on a sign next to it. This should be it, if this game is just a tiny bit logical.

I entered the room and saw exactly what I was expecting. A small storage room with cleaning supplies and other stuff that was good to have at a school but had no other better place tow be.

It was really messy with things everywhere. How was I supposed to find a key here?

I looked trough the drawers on his desk but no keys could be seen. I searched the surface of the desk and all the shelves. Still noting. It shouldn't just be laying on the floor, so after looking through all the places someone could possibly keep a key at I decided I'd looked enough.

Next up, the principal's office. I didn't really want to go to his office since that was stepping foot into his territory, but I had to find the key.

I looked around and was careful not to run into the principal. He could be anywhere really.

At last I found his office. I pulled the door handle but the door was locked. "Fuck" I muttered low for myself.

Although this gave me the feeling I really had to get into the principal's office if I wanted the coin. They wouldn't have locked it otherwise.

So the last option. Let's find the principal.

I remembered a broom I'd found in the janitors closet when looking it though. It wasn't a gun, but better than nothing when going up against an armed principal.

I made my way back and picked up the broom. Now I was ready to meet the principal.

Didn't think I'd ever try to run into him, but here I was, searching around for him.

I still haven't seen the others a single time, not even Felix. When I'd passed by the vending machine earlier he was gone, so my guess was that he'd found the others and was looking around with them.

It didn't take long until I saw the back of a man in a navy blue suit. He was looking into a classroom in hopes of finding an intruder, which was us. That's just perfect, he even had his back towards me. If I could just hit him really hard with the broom I should be able to just knock him out.

Suddenly he turned around and went out of the classroom again.

Oh shit. I quickly hid in the classroom next door, hoping he hadn't seen me.

He continued the other way so obviously not. My heart was pounding like crazy though. I opened the door and saw he was still walking with his back facing me. This should be my chance, if only I could approach him quietly.

I made my way towards him, trying to make as little noice as possible, then rose my broom in the air.

Please work.

I hit him hard in the head with one of the edges of the broom, as hard as I could.

He stopped walking. I saw how blood was starting to color his dark hair a deep red color from the back of his head where I'd just hit him. He slowly turned around so we were standing face to face. I took the opportunity and hit him again in the face. It hit him on the forehead, real hard.

We had eye contact for a second before he dropped to the floor.

As he landed he lost his grip around the gun and it slid a meter over the floor away from him. I picked it up and without thinking shot the man in the head.

Now he should be dead. At least he wasn't moving, probably not anytime soon either.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now