"The general has called an urgent meeting of your batch. The northeast border conflict has escalated and can turn into a war at any moment. Necessary steps are required to decrease the tension there or the rebels and neighbors kingdom might join forces". 

"Aren't they already working together?" Namjoon asked. "There is not much concrete evidence, so the King does not to believe it just yet and the prince refuses to pay attention. If they agree that the neighboring kingdom IS helping them, then we could increase our range of attacks.

But the prince has been insistent on smaller operations which has caused us heavily in terms of manpower. We lost three of our most skilled leaders at the attack on border camps yesterday. The camps are running out of equipment as well as rations. 

If something is not done, our soldiers will starve at the borders with adequate food and medicines. With great trouble, the general was able to convince the King to allow your participation in the situation. More information will be provided by the general at the meeting". 

By this time, that had reached the palace doors. They were let through and guided to the far right side of the palace where the meeting room was situated. Before they could proceed any further a palace servant stopped them. 

"The prince asks for a quick word with you, Sir Kim". 

"But the general-". 

"He will be back in a few minutes. The prince assures that it won't take much time. You are order to commence the meeting. Sir Kim will join you shortly". 

The subordinate pursed his lips and turned towards Namjoon. The knight nodded towards him, "Go" he gestured him. "I'll be there in a minute". The latter obeyed him and walked in the direction. The servant motioned him to follow, leading them towards the throne room. The doors closed behind him as he stepped inside.

He eyes fell on the throne where the prince sat, feet on one armrest, head on the other, body slumped and lazily munching on grapes, a sly smile on his lips. Namjoon had to force himself no to grimace at the royal's behavior. It was a disrespect to the throne. 

"Namjoon!" Hanuel exclaimed, way to happy which caused Namjoon to shift on his feet uncomfortably. "Your highness" he muttered, bowing. "Oh cut the formalities will you!" he said cheerfully. "Your highness?"

"I'm saying dear Namjoon. Cut the formalities! We're friends aren't we? Why such formalities?" he chided. A shadow fell across his face, jaw visibly tightening. Yet, he wisely kept silent. "I know what happened between us years ago. But I want you to address me like you used to when we were sixteen okay? Until the time you leave this hall, I will be your hold friend Hanuel" he said. 

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Namjoon asked. "Oh don't worry I won't take much of your time. Let's get right to the point shall we? Well you see Namjoon" the prince said, standing up from the throne, jumping down the steps. He walked straight towards the knight, stopping at a distance from him. 

"I've loved Seokjin from a long time now. He has such beautiful eyes, such curvaceous body, the delicate features, just like doll! I think he'll be the perfect choice to stand beside me as my queen. Don't you think so too?" he uttered, circling him.

"The kingdom is almost at war and THIS is what he cares about?"   

"Seokjin is beautiful. Not only on the outside, but also equally beautiful on the inside" he replied. "You did not answer my other question Namjoon". "What was it Hanuel?" he asked. The last time he addressed the prince with his name, he was talking to a Hanuel who excelled at what he did, his best friend. 

A bitter feeling of betrayal lingering, nevertheless, the care and worry was present in his voice. Now, after so many years when he addressed him again as Hanuel, he felt like he was talking to an Hanuel who was completely opposite of his younger self. 

He felt as though he was talking to a man who prided himself too much, an incompetent fool who was blinded by overconfidence, playing into the hands of others, a mere puppet to his hidden master.

"You and I both are in love with that omega. Tell me who is better? You can provide him comforts I agree but don't you think that these majestic walls would suit him better? I can provide him with all kinds of luxuries. Anything he could name will be placed at his feet. I deserve Seokjin more than you Namjoon. Break your marriage with him and tell him to get married to me" he said. 

Namjoon scowled at him. He expression then changed into a fake smile. "My dear Hanuel" he said. "First of all, you are not in love with Seokjin. You merely lust over him, which is disgusting I believe. Second of all, if you think you can keep Seokjin happy will materialistic things then I'm afraid that you are gravely wrong. He is someone who prefers emotional attachment much more. Third of all, I love him more than my life. He's not going to come to you Hanuel. He has already rejected you once. Don't make a fool out of yourself and try to pursue him again, you need to move on".

Hanuel howled in anger. He stomped his feet like a child and yelled, "It's not fair! I want him". "Well you can't have him, so cry yourself a river, build a bridge and get over it already" Namjoon shot back.

"You!" the royal glowered, pointing at Namjoon. "I won't forget this. I will have my revenge. Get out!". Namjoon walked out of the hall without another word and made his way towards the meeting room. 

By the time he reached, all his colleagues had gathered, the general was explaining something to them. Namjoon quietly waled in and took his seat. 

"The matter at the border is getting out of hand. There is no doubt now that the rebels and the neighboring kingdom are working together. It is difficult to obtain weapons in a large amount in that area. Even if we sum up the weapons that they have looted from our bands that traveled to the camp at night, they shouldn't have had so many weapons ready at hand. The rebels are getting bolder and bolder as days pass and their attacks are becoming much more frequent. They did not even spare the women and children from the villages they attacked. More than five villages have been plundered. There is no specific time for their attacks. Three out of five attacks on villages happened in broad daylight, the other too at night". 

"Our soldiers at the camp are running out of ration and according to our intelligence, there are small bands placed on the routes we take to camps for delivering supplies. Thee rebels are trying hard to prevent help from reaching camps. Two of our groups were ambushed at night and we lost three major leaders at the camp attack two days ago too. The soldiers are in desperate need for medicines and food and our previous two attempts ended in failure". The atmosphere in the room was tense as the seriousness of the situation finally sank in.

"If we do not deliver them on time, our soldiers will weaken and it is very likely that the kingdom might declare a war on us. Our border security will weaken and this can lead to a serious disadvantage for our army. We cannot allow this to happen. I talked to the King but he refuses to opt for offence first, so we have no choice but to send more men to the borders with ration. This time, you will travel in a group of thirty men as compared to fifteen men before. In addition to that, more soldiers will leave the capital a day later for reinforcement. About two hundred of them will join you at the camp. The team carrying ration and weapons will consist of the knights and their subordinates only. We do not have a choice but to take the same route as there is not other way through the thick vegetation".

The general then proceeded to read a list of names. "These will be the men who will be a part of this mission. After you arrive, you will stay there until the situation comes back under control. We cannot risk another failure. Namjoon and Suho will lead the group through the forest. You will leave at midnight day after tomorrow. Travel during the day and constantly be alert. Keep guard at nights in shifts. You will take three days to reach camp. Any questions?" he asked to which the knights denied. 

"Alright then, you may begin preparation for your journey. I wish you best of luck and may you be successful in you mission".  

Thank you so much for reading! 

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