Matthew's Little Princess Turns One Years Old

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matthew has always known he wanted to be a dad, but he hasn't met the right women yet, that was till the day he met you, he knew he loved you the moment he saw you, and he knew he would love you forever, everything with you was magic, the kisses, cuddles, everything  and you feel the same way about him, and he couldn't be happier when the day came that you told him you might be pregnant, he bought the very best test 10 of them just to make sure, he sat on the floor with you and waited as he held your hand and started telling you how happy he is, and even if you're not  pregnant it's ok you still have time, then he saw the blue lines on that white piece of plastic and he screamed with joy!, picking you up and spinning you around as he kissed you.

"oh my god i can't believe it, i'm going to be a dad!!!!!" matthew yells.

"i can't believe it matthew we did it, we made a baby" you tell him with tears in your eyes.

matthew gets on his knees and puts his hands on your tummy

"hey there it's your dad i am so happy and i can't wait to meet you, i love you" then kisses your tummy.

the next 9 mouths are full of you throwing up and mood swings, eating junk foods and going to the doctor's then you found out the baby's sex, a girl you are both overjoyed and matthew called his mom to tell her she was getting a granddaughter.  

when it came time for panting the nursery you both picked out lite pink pant and disney princess decals and a white crib, matthew put the crib together a black handled screwdriver held firmly in his right hand making sure every screw was nice and tight, he didn't want his little princess falling out of her sweet little crib, he put the changing table together, the little end table completed with a disney princess lamp, it has cinderella, bell, snow white and airel on it.

then when the room is all put together you and matthew stand at the doorway and look at how all of your hard work has come together, it's perfect the plush white carpet, white crib buy the window, the white padded rocking chair with pink padding, the little book shelf ready to be filled with the many books matthew has picked out to read to his little girl, goldy locks and the three bears, little red riding hood, peter rabbi , cinderella, rapunzel and so many more, you added rumple buttercup, the books he will read to her in the rocking chair that is currently being occupied by a giant bright pink octopus matthew made for the baby, a octopus he named magenta matthew knows it will be her favorite toy, he can't wait to read to her, in fact he sometimes reads to her as you sleep, he knows she can hear in there, and you think it's so cute.

matthew and you buy every little outfit you see, matthew even buys a Cinderella costume and a little goblin costume.

"two  costumes? you ask.

"of course our little girl is going to love halloween just like her daddy, isn't that right my little princess?" he asks your bump.

"i'm sure she will honey"

then the toys, oh the toys.

barbies, teddy bears, dolls, dress-up sets, tea sets, disney princess dolls.

matthew was also wonderful about getting all of the foods you wanted, pizza, nachos, egg rolls, ice cream.

and he ate ice cream with you every Saturday night.

and when it was time for your little girl to be born, he was right by your side, holding your hand and telling you how good you were doing, kissing your forehead, and when he heard his little girl cry for the first time, lets just say the baby wasn't the only one crying, the nurse gave him the baby and he held her like she was made of glass, like even the smallest gust of air could break her, he counted her tiny little fingers and toes, and brushed his finger on her little tummy, she was perfect, his perfect little girl, your perfect little girl.

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