the snowman.

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"it's snowing matthew!" i yelled down stairs.

"ya! i love the snow" he was jumping up and down looking out the window.

"time to get the winter gear (y/n)" he sad happily.

he ran back down stairs.

"be carful honey your gonna hurt your self"

"ok, ok i'm sorry i'm just so happy it's snowing!!"

he went outside as i was making hot chocolate in the kitchen.

"ok honey your hot chocolate is ready matthew....matthew?"

i look out the window in the living room and there is matthew making a snowman.

i knock on the window and put the mug in the window "are you coming back?" i yell through the window.

"what?" i could see him saying.

so i went to the door and opened it "are you coming back in honey it's really cold out here"

"when i'm done" he said  "and i'm almost done do you like it y/n?"

"yes i do and what do you have on?" i giggled.

"what's wrong with it?" 

laughing "nothing matthew it's really cute and great snowman, so your done now?"

laughing "nothing matthew it's really cute and great snowman, so your done now?"

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"ok" i was walking back inside.

"y/n?" he said.

"what" i said looking back at him.

matthew singing "do you want to build a snowman?"

"aw oh my god matthew come in here so i can kiss you" i giggled putting my hand out for him to take.

 we went back inside and had our hot chocolate.

"so do you like the snowman y/n?" he asked looking at me with hope in his eyes.

"i love the snowman he is the best snowman ever because you made him matthew" i said cuddling up to him.

"oh your just saying that because i'm  your husband" he said giggling.

"no i'm not it's just true honey, now what do you want to do today?"

"can we call your mom and have her come over?" he asked.

"um, ya....why do you want my mom to come over?" i didn't understand why he was asking.

"well you know i like your mom and all...and if she wanted to make some of her potato soup when she's here" he said holding the here.

"oh she will be so happy that you like it" i said smiling.

so i called my mom and asked if she would like to come over.

"hi mom um matthew and i would love for you to come over if you would like to?"

my mom on the phone "oh sure is it snowing bad there?"

"no it snowed a lot last night now it's just a little bit"

my mom "ok sure i'll come"

my mom showed up matthew ran to the door and let her in "hi lea how are you?" he asked hugging her.

"i'm good matthew how are you?"

"so happy it's snowing did you like the snowman out front?"

"yes did you two make him?"

"no matthew did that when i was making hot chocolate" i said smiling.

"would you like some?"

"oh yes please" she said.

i went to the kitchen to make it the water was almost hot and my mom came in to the kitchen.

 "hi mom it's almost ready" i said happy to see her she hasn't really came here much because of my dad.

"i hope i don't make dad mad having you come over" i said almost crying.

"he doesn't know i'm here" she told me.


"matthew asked if i could make some potato soup for you two because you both like it so much" she looked so happy that we like it.

after my mom made the soup and it was cooking she came to the living room.

"i like you house" she said.

"would you like the tour?" matthew asked.

"oh! yes thank you" she said happily.

matthew showed her all around the house.

"this is a very nice house guys" she said.

after the soup was done and we talked for a bit my mom had to leave before my dad got home.

"bye mommy i love you thank you for coming and making the soup" i said holding back tears and hugging her tight. "i love you call me when you get home?"

"ok y/n i love you two sweetie".

after my mom was gone matthew came over to me wrapped his arms around me "are you ok baby? you look so sad" he asked.

i started crying "i miss my mom and hate that my dad keeps us from seeing each other more" tears coming down my face.

"oh y/n don't cry baby" he said wiping the tears from my face.

"you will see her again amber and she love you a lot to came here with out your dad knowing about it".

"i know matthew thank you" i said turning to i could hug him more.

"do you want to watch something on tv baby maybe it would make you feel better?" he asked rubbing he hand on my back.

"ya well do that" i said going to the living room to turn the tv to a episode of criminal minds.

" oh it's the one where you shot the unsub matthew" i said sitting down.

"oh ya that one" he said looking like i do that in a lot of them.

"would you like some soup baby?" he asked handing me a bowl on hot potato soup.

"yes thank you i love my moms potato soup" i said taking the bowl.

when where done eating would you like to take a bath with me baby?" he asked looking in my eyes.

"will you hold me?"

"mhm if that's what you want" he said putting his bowl down soup now gone.

"i do"

we took a bath and get in bed to watch tv.

"great snow day" he said.

"yep great snow day" i said back.

matthew in the snow yet he's still hot

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matthew in the snow yet he's still hot.

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