"What about a bachelor and bachelorette party?"

"So, when can we be expecting our grandkids?"

"Have you two buttered the biscuit yet?"

What the actual fuck.

I choked on the drink I was handed a few moments ago after that last question. Of course, it was asked by my wonderful father.

"Honey, don't embarrass them like that," my mother scolded. "It's quite obvious they already have. Look at how touchy they've been this entire time!"

The room was suddenly hotter than the desert. I avoided eye contact with everyone because no.

That's my only reason for no eye contact.

Sometimes I seriously regret being birthed to the parents I was birthed to.

But also now I know this is how they'll react when Emi gets engaged. Hopefully.

"You know, it's kinda sad that my younger sister—who's in college, mind you—got in a happy relationship before me," Emi said.

"Yeah, you're right. That is pretty depressing. Oh well, I guess." I shrugged, taking another drink of my water.

Emi deadpanned. "I'm done here. Bye."

She left without another word and now I'm more scared than I was a few moments ago. Mainly because she left and that now leaves my parents alone with Natsuo and I and they tend to get very . . . eh.

If that makes sense.

I really should make up an excuse and escape before this gets too eh.

"Natsuo, would you mind taking a step into the living with me for a moment?" my dad asked.

Too late. No escaping now.

Natsuo nodded, not quite sure what else to do. I could tell he was slightly intimidated because the two of them have never had that you hurt my daughter I kill you talk, and I think that's what he's expecting.

And that left me and my mother alone.

And my mom by herself is extra eh without my dad's slightly less eh to call her eh down.

I should really stop saying eh.

She waited until they were out of earshot, even taking the extra precaution to get out of her seat, look around the corner, and sit in the chair next to me. She leaned forward, whispering, "So how was it? Is he any good? How big?"

Jesus Christ, no.

I really don't want to answer because this is embarrassing.

I covered my face in hopes to sink into the floor and disappear forever.

My mom seemed to take this small action in a very different direction that I didn't intend.

She grimaced. "That bad? Oof. Well, there's not many interesting things there. I can't really help you. So he's small?"

"Mom, no. No no no no no no. Please stop."

"So he's big?"

"No. I mean— no, never mind."

"So . . . ?"

"Mom please just stop. Please."

She laughed—that one laugh moms do when they know they got the reaction they wanted out of you, you know—and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms and legs. "I'm just kidding with you. You know size doesn't matter right? It's just an added bonus."


"Alright, alright, I'll stop talking." She rolled her eyes jokingly, letting out a breath and smiling brightly. "I'm so happy for you, Y/n. Remember when you were little and wanted a wedding? You would come talk to me and describe your dream dress and the one you were going to marry. He fits the description, you know. You were never very specific with looks, but you always said you wanted someone smart, someone that would accept you for who you were. Someone that favored your mind and heart over your face and frame. Just someone to be there for you until death did you part."

I smiled at the memories she resurfaced. I do remember that. I had this favorite off-white dress I would always wear while I performed a mock wedding with my mom to practice for the real thing. Of course, after grade eight I sort of gave up on wanting to get married and put that aside.

When I looked my mom in the eyes, I caught a glimpse of white hair in the dining room doorway leading out of the living room. Natsuo was standing there with my dad, practically towering over the older man. Both of them were watching the conversation between me and my mom with smiles on their faces.

My dad pat Natsuo on the shoulder, whispering something to him before addressing my mom. "We have to start getting ready."

"I'll be just a moment," Mom replied, turning her head quickly before returning her attention back to me, cupping my face in her hands "I love you, Y/n. And I love that you found that special someone." She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Dad and I have to go now. Feel free to stay for however long you like, just don't have too much fun, okay?" She stood from her chair and winked at me, making me shake my head and hide my face in my hands.

"You too, young man," my dad said, pointing an accusatory finger at my fiancé. "Remember what I told you."

"Yes, sir."

My parents walked off to their room, probably to change into whatever clothes best suited wherever they were going. Natsuo made a beeline for the seat my mom had just sat in, sitting down and scooting a bit closer to my chair.

"So I'm the guy you've dreamed about since you were little?" he teased, wrapping an arm around me in a flirtatious manner.

"Oh my god." I covered my face yet again, wishing the if I can't see you, you can't see me rule applied to life.

My reaction made Natsuo chuckle, placing a firm kiss on my temple. "I'm just teasing. It is nice to know that you found that person in me. Because I definitely found her in you."

Well. That just made me even more flustered.

He kissed my temple again, saying, "I love you," before kissing me yet again. He rubbed his hand against my arm. "We should probably get going if you're wanting to meet my mom today."

I nodded in agreement, glad to have a quick distraction from my current flusteredness. We stood, announcing our exit and leaving the house. We grabbed a bus to the hospital since we had walked to the coffee shop and my parents house.

When we arrived at the mental institution, I hesitated outside the building.

"Hey, you okay?" Natsuo held a concerned expression on his face, stopping next to me and grabbing my hand in a comforting manner.

I nodded. "Just . . . What if your mom doesn't like me?"

His expression relaxed, probably glad that something other than my overthinking wasn't the case. "She's going to love you, Y/n. And I do, too. You don't need to doubt yourself, okay? Just act like you do around me."

I gave another quick nod, my brain still going a million miles a seconds with every possible scenario that could play out. Even the least likely ones. Like the building spontaneously catching fire or a serial killer breaking out of prison and coming to murder us.

Natsuo gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, bringing it to his mouth to kiss it softly. "Take all the time you need to prepare. Just be done before five-thirty, preferably."

I cracked a small smile at his attempt at making light of the situation.

I took a minute or two more to mentally prepare myself for every scenario imaginable. Yes, even the unlikely serial killers.

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

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