Anthology Three: Chapter One

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As the cherry blossoms fall, twirl, and fly upon them, blush can be seen across Takagi's face.

Nishikata had just run all the way from his home, carrying a box of chocolate with his body bruised, and his chocolate at a critical level. Good thing it was sturdy enough to handle a car running over it.

N: "S-Sorry. It's a little damaged, and I don't even know if the contents inside are fine. I fell and it ran over by a car, I'm sorry..."

Takagi couldn't care less, after all, he ran all the way, fell several times, let the chocolate run by a car, and then keep running a few miles. And for what? Just to see her.

T: "It doesn't matter."

N: "H-Huh?"

T: "Nishikata, you don't really need to repay me with chocolate."

N: "B-But..."

T: "Cause you already did...with your feelings."

Takagi subconsciously grabbed Nishikata with both of her hands. Holding it so gently, as if it's going to break. She's well aware that she doesn't want to make Nishikata burst after running all the way here, just for the chocolate to get crushed.

N: "T-Takagi...san..."

T: "Thank you!"

All Nishikata can do is just stare in awe, of not only the beauty of Takagi, but it is that moment that he realized his love and affection for Takagi. It's where he finally embraced his feelings and did not deny them like he used to do.

Takagi on the other hand finally saw some development from Nishikata. This is one of the few moments where Nishikata surprised Takagi with his reckless behavior and extreme determination. Usually, Takagi got surprised by the things Nishikata never tried, and always failed at the things he always tried so hard. But this time looks like his hard work pay off.

Takagi then little by little lets go of Nishikata's hand, along with taking his chocolate. She stares at it and then smiles.

T: "I'll treasure this."

N: "A-Ah...t-thanks...I...I made it on my own."

T: "That's quite surprising, never thought you could make your own chocolate."

N: "I-I've learned from someone I like..."

T: "Oh..."

And there he goes again, landing a critical hit twice without even knowing. Though it could be someone like his mom or something, it's pretty much obvious who're we talking about here.

N: "A-And's almost late...and I kinda ruined your way home here."

T: "It's okay, I can just take a bus from here. Do you want to go with me?"

N: " is kinda rude to leave a girl alone, so...sure."

Takagi smiles and follows Nishikata to the nearest bus stop.

*a few moments later*

And as soon as they arrive, Nishikata falls into the bench near the bus station.

T: "Are you okay?"

N: "I'm just...really tired right now..."

T: "How far did you start running here?"

N: "From my home..."

T: "That far...?"

N: "Y-Yeah..."

Again, making her blush for the third time today without even realizing it. His sheer dedication just to see Takagi is astronomical.

T: "Let's go to your house first."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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