Anthology One: Chapter Two

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The dawn of the new day has finally begun, the birds are chirping, the sun is rising, and the start had finally begun.

Takagi was just walking happily, skipping throughout the ways like usual.

The White Day is upon them. Usually, it's supposed to be Nishikata giving gifts for Takagi, however, thanks to last night's circumstances, looks like she had to break the tradition a little bit.

Takagi brought something on her bag, something...mysterious yet interesting.

One would assume it's a gift. But not just any gift. Maybe something so peculiar that no one would guess that this is her interesting plan.

Takagi walks the same route as usual and waited for Nishikata to arrive, and soon enough, the boy reared his head and showed himself to the girl.

Although, his face would suggest that things aren't the way they seem.

Nishikata looked really tired, there are bags under his eyes, and his entire hair is incredibly messy, he looks like he got out of bed and didn't even bother to shower.

Nishikata despite all of this, still try to maintain his generic look, by smiling first at Takagi.

N: "Takagi-san, good morning."

T: "Goodness, what happened to you? Also, good morning."

N: "I uh...kinda didn't sleep very well last night."

T: "Oh? Were you thinking too much about the present that you wanted to give me?"

N: "A-Ah! N-No way! I uh...I was just...err..."

Takagi felt kinda bad for teasing him about the present, knowing that last night he felt completely despaired about it.

T: "Already a bad move...shouldn't get careless."

N: "Can this day be any worse?"

T: ", did you prepare the presents that I asked for?"

N: "Ah...I-I did..."

T: "Well then, great!"

Nishikata wonders if this is a good time for him to be frank about what's troubling him these past hours and yesterday. However, thanks to Takagi's innocent nature, he felt way too scared to tell her now.

Luckily for him...

N: "Should I...?"

T: "I think I prefer you give that to me after school. I like anticipation!"

N: "O-Oh good..."

T: "Is there something wrong, Nishikata?"

While Takagi knew what happened with Nishikata, she just wanted to act oblivious for her to act normal.

N: "N-Nah, really, there is nothing..."

T: "Oooh? Really?"

N: "Y-Yeah! Really!"

T: "Hmmm..."

N: "I-I said it, and I'm g-gonna say it twice okay??"

T: "Alright then, how about this? Let's do a little contest before you give me your gifts, alright?

If I found out that you're hiding something, then it's a game over for you. But you're not hiding anything, then it's a win for me."

N: "W-Wait! So if I told her that this is a very hot chocolate bar, then I lost again!

My chance of beating Takagi is getting very slim each day..."

N: "I...uh..."

T: "Hmmm, I guess I take that as a yes for an answer."

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