Anthology Two: Chapter One

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Nishikata was just walking right beside Takagi, his face flustered, his expression embarrassed. Looks like he just got into another one of Takagi's teasing, which is a pretty normal day for them.

T: "Your face is so red, Nishikata!"

N: "Grr..."

T: "Hehe, it was pretty fun though, I almost fall into your trap again. But you kinda give it away before you even win."

N: "Yeah, right...You knew miles away before the challenge even started, right?"

T: "Oh come on, Nishikata. I'm not that smart."

N: "You kinda are."

T: "Oh? Are you complimenting me?"

N: "W-Wha!? N-No! Not at all!! You're just too smart for everything, and...uh..."

T: "Ahaha! I knew it, Nishikata. You do think I'm smart after all."

N: "..."

Nishikata admits defeat in silence. He couldn't think of anything to fight back, he just stares at the ground, waiting for another topic to be brought up.

T: "By the way, Nishikata, since Yukari is on an urgent matter with her family, you became the class president, right?"

N: "Y-Yeah, I am. Well... 'Acting' class president."

T: "So, how was it for you, is it a new experience? Or something you've tried before?"

N: "I was fine I guess, yesterday was the first day after all. I only did some paperwork from the teacher, and I guess that's it."

T: "Mhm. Yukari-chan asked you specifically, right?"

N: "O-Oh, yeah. For some reason, Yukari-chan trusted me with it. And I don't know if I did a good job."

T: "Today's your second day, I'm sure you'll do just fine."

N: "I did absolutely nothing on my first day, though."

T: "Then I'm sure you'll do more on your second day. And after all..."

Takagi scoots closer to Nishikata and smiled at him.

N: "E-Eh?"

T: "That means I can rely on you more."

N: "W-Wait!"

T: "Ahaha!"

N: "That's now how it works!"

N: "Damn you, Takagi-san!!"

*a few moments later*

Nishikata and Takagi arrived at the school and started to change their shoes.

T: "I guess you just gotta do what you must do."

N: "Hey, it's not that easy to be a president."

T: "I know, but I have much faith in you to be a good president, cause I've seen it before, you're a good person, Nishikata."

Nishikata found himself blushing again.

N: "N-Nah...I'm not that good of a person."

T: "If you keep doubting yourself, you're not gonna be a good president."

N: "Ack-"

T: "Just be confident, Nishikata."

N: "I-I'll try."

Sometime later, after they change shoes, Nishikata and Takagi are on their way to their class.

???: "President Nishikata-kun!"

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