Anthology Two: Chapter Two

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N: "Aaahh...the last day of me acting as a president."

Nishikata sighs in relief, knowing that it was the final day where Nishikata will be a class president.

N: "Finally, it's over. I've been waiting for this moment! After days of busy paperwork, errand, and request from all kinds of people...I can finally be a normal student for once!"

Nishikata smiles in relief. Actually, he's ecstatic, and even, joyous that he's finally able to relax.


Nishikata is just doing some homework, and thinking much about his job about being a president.

N: "Man...can't people there do their own thing by themselves? Now I wonder why Yukari-chan was so stressed every day..."

Suddenly, his phone rings.

N: "Hm?"

Nishikata pick it up, and it was from someone he did not expect.

N: "Hello?"

???: "Nishikata-kun?"

N: "H-Huh? Y-Yukari-chan? What's up?"

Yukari (Yu): "'s being president?"

N: "Eh? Why the sudden question?"

Yu: "Just answer."

N: "It's um...kinda difficult, y'know. I have to do so much errand from the teachers, and I had many requests from time to time by classmates, and heck, even lower class actually came to me and even ask me about so much stuff."

Yu: "Oh, really? Well, that sounded rough."

N: "Yeah, I feel like I was doing a job rather than school."

Yu: "Well, I've got good news for you."

N: "Eh?"

Yu: "I will be returning soon, specifically 2 days later."

N: "O-Oh? Really?"

Yu: "Yeah, so tomorrow's gonna be your last time working as a president, whether you like it or not."

N: "Oh, I like it alright. I'm just super glad you're back now."

Yu: "Likewise Nishikata, thanks for taking such good care of being a president."

N: "Yeah."

Yu: "Anyways, see you."

N: "Yeah, see you."

*back to present*

N: "I wonder what made Yukari-chan finally come back to school."

T: "Heyo, Nishikata!"

N: "W-What the!? Where did you come from!?"

T: "Ahaha! Finally! I get to tease you during the day! You arrived at school so early these days, so I decided to do the same."

N: "J-Just to tease me?"

T: "Hmmm yes, and no."

N: "There she is again, hiding something like usual. Although to be completely fair, I'm kinda glad Takagi and I are back as usual now. These days she's been feeling pretty down and we barely see each other."

All thanks to Nishikata's errands and requests from many people.

T: "We haven't been able to walk like this for a long time, y'know?"

N: "A-Ah...yeah."

T: "Mhm! So that means I can finally be at ease and tease you more!"

N: "S-Stop it already!"

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